Guided Imagery

Patricia R.
on 7/29/08 11:27 am - Perry, MI
In my therapy session last night, my therapist did a guided imagery with me.  That is where I closed my eyes, and he guided me in relaxing my body from head to toe, while visualizing warm relaxation over me in wave after wave.  At the end, I sat for about a minute, and he instructed me to picture a relaxing place, like an empty beach, or a lakeside, or looking up at a sky with puffy white clouds.  Boy, was it powerful in helping me relax. 

Afterward, he told me that I can bring a recorder and he will guide me through one at my next session and we can record it, so I can play it back at home on a regular basis.  In the meantime, I am to do my best at visualizing the relaxation, and the beach. 

This is to help me so I will be able to stop the stress eating behaviors that have plagued me lately.  What is neat is that I am going to record it on a digital voice recorder so I can download it to my iTunes and put it in my iPod.  That way, I can take it with me anywhere.

I had done some guided imagery when I was in treatment for binge eating disorder, but had forgotten all about it till last night. 

The only problem with the whole scenario is that after I went home, I felt very vulnerable and exposed, which left me feeling weird.  I rarely feel that way after therapy, but when I do, it freaks me out. 

This is me, after therapy.  Can you imagine what I was like before I started therapy many years ago?

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/29/08 11:29 pm - So. Easton, MA
I sure remember what *I* was like. (not a place I want to revisit ANY time soon).

I'm going to have to try the GI thing again myself. I found out our jobs are being handled superbly by our counterparts in India, which pretty much solidifies the rumor that we're gone quicker than goose sht slidin thru a tin horn. (sorry...too mugh GI??) LOL...

I've sent a few resumes out, but the jobs are scarce, my bills are so high that I can't take tooo much of a cut, I've been cooking and baking (but not eating tooo much) and now eventually face a job loss. That, and my daughter is looking to buy her first home and as is imagined, the stress level for THAT goes thru the roof. Sad part is, she's not really ready yet financially...and I remember THAT dissappointment all too well.

All in all, it's a typical day for any one of us! LOL...on with the relaxing beach minus the sun burn for me!! Thanks for the reminder Trish. The really important days in life are still best lived sober.

Big hugs,

(I'm off to yet another cardiology appointment)


Patricia R.
on 7/29/08 11:42 pm - Perry, MI
Thanks for the chuckle, Marie.  The visualization of the goose **** made me laugh. 

I am so sorry to hear about your job situation.  I know what you mean about the job hunt.  I tried to get a job out in Michigan to move closer to the Munchkin, but nothing nibbled there.  Of course, Michigan is probably the last state to look for a job in, with all the displaced auto workers.

With your job being outsourced to a foreign country, do you qualify for any schooling to retrain, if that is something you might be interested in?  Just a thought. 

I got my 60 day coin today at my meeting this morning.  Also got my butt kicked by my sponsor for not calling her in two weeks.  Hmmm.  It was a loving kick, and I expected it. 

Like they say in AA, my worst day sober is still better than my best day drunk. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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