Tiny Baby steps
Good for you. Don't be afraid to go...remember, every single one of those people were once feeling as you do, afraid and not sure of what they were going to experience when they got to their first meeting. You will see a lot of people who will hopefully greet you warmly, and introduce themselves to you. There will most likely be coffee there. Hang around after the meeting and get women's phone numbers. Ask for a meeting list as well.
I have been in AA for 19 years, and remember feeling terrified going into my first meeting. Now, AA is like home to me. No matter where I am in this country, I can attend an AA meeting, and feel at home there. I have attended AA meetings in my home state, in Maryland, and in Michigan, and been welcomed there warmly.
I have been in AA for 19 years, and remember feeling terrified going into my first meeting. Now, AA is like home to me. No matter where I am in this country, I can attend an AA meeting, and feel at home there. I have attended AA meetings in my home state, in Maryland, and in Michigan, and been welcomed there warmly.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

You're on the right track!! I remember the terror I felt when one medical advisor told me to try to stop on my own with AA, or we'd talk Detox. Scared the bejeesus outta me! But it was what I needed to hear, and thank G-d I listened.
You'll be fine! The first five minutes of any new relationship are the most awkward. After that, let things happen. There are so many meetings available now! :) Keep the list posted and let us know how you find the meeting on Sunday!
You'll be fine! The first five minutes of any new relationship are the most awkward. After that, let things happen. There are so many meetings available now! :) Keep the list posted and let us know how you find the meeting on Sunday!