Question about Sponsors
A Sponsor is like a advisor of sorts. Everyone does this a little different but I think you should talk to your sponsor regularly when newly sober. Some people have Sponsors that live in another town. The key to me is to have someone that is available when you need to talk or ask a Question. Also in my opinion a good sponsor will guide you in making decisions, not make them for you. The Big Book doesn't touch on this subject because the concept came along after it was printed. A good Sponsor is a key tool in any 12 step program. I think you should look for a sponsor that has quality sobriety and peice of mind that is knowledgeable about the program. Good Luck and God Bless
Here's a great link on sponsorship! love and light, Michelle
"God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein
"God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein