Friend in recovery

on 4/5/08 12:53 pm - Staten Island, NY
VSG on 03/26/08 with
Hi everyone. I just found this board.  I am active on the VSG board as I just had weight loss surgery 10 days ago.  My husband is in recovery 15 1/2 years and we both work in the recovery field (just published a book on getting sober actually).   He was an alcoholic who dabbled in about everything else.  I am so proud of his recovery. I believe there is a HUGE biochemical component to addiction.  I just recently spent 1 1/2 years on vicodin and valium after herniating a disc. I never got a buzz from either and stopped teh vicodin no problem after I finally had a spinal fusion and was cleared to take motrin.  Up until my VSG 10 days ago I was still taking a valium a day (for muscle spasms) and motrin.  not sure why, but I haven't needed the valium or motrin since the surgery.  Tylenol worked forfr me and now I don't need any of it.   I thank God I never got addicted to that stuff.  My husband would have really been at risk with all that stuff in the house  so I always kept it locked in a safe just to remove even the potential for him to think about it!. I have attended OA meetings in the past but never got connected and usually left feeling like it didn't  fit for me.   I wanted it to feel right but it didn't.  I know there are aspects of my eatting that are like an addicts behavior, such as complusively eating when angry or anxious.  I have really struggled with whether I should go to OA or not.   My husband is a strong 12-stepper and we do share many common recovery related values in our daily life and work.   Does anyone else go to OA?  Do people feel food is an addiction like other drugs or booze?  I really struggle with this issue personally and profressionally.  Right now being 10 days post op the weight is peeling off, but as time goes by I wonder if I should go back to OA.  Do I have the disease of obesity or an addiction, or both? Thanks for reading this far and best wishes to everyone here.  Soem of the very best people I know are in recovery from serious drug and alcohol problems and you have my total respect, support and love! (PS. Our book can be viewed at www.icutitout,com.  Some people see the title and think its about my weight loss surgery since in a VSG they cut out a good part of yor stomach, but its really about booze!).

on 4/5/08 2:32 pm, edited 4/5/08 2:33 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
thank you for sharing your experiences here... I myself believe that all addictions stem from the same source.. but the cure for food is somehow different only because we do have to eat and can't go abstinence.  So we have to feed a little bit of that addicition yet know how/when to cut it out.  And like booze that's where I have my difficulties.. I'm a binge drinker.. and now I know I'm a binge eater.  Once I start.. it's hard to stop.  I won't eat gorge like I do my drinking.. but I crave it and if it's around I will graze.   I have been able to stop drinking and smoking since 11-18-06.. the craving has left me for today.. but the eating.. FOR ME is not as easy.  That is where I keep slippin..  but I try.. one day at a time.. I TRY!!' EDIT to add.. when I was on optfast many many years ago.. it got to be real easy to not eat.  I was on that liquid diet for four months..  so again proving to me.. if I can just go abstinent.. ~sigh~ the craving eventually leaves the body..

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

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