Quote for Today.

on 3/31/08 11:18 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Sorry late.. this mornings BOARD difficulty didn't allow me to get it posted sooner.. Taken from A Day At A Time.. March 31 Reflection For the Day "My illness is unlike most other illnesses in that DENIAL that I am sick is a primary sypmtom that I AM sick. Like such other incurable illnesses as diabetes and arthritis, however, my illness is characterized by relapses. In The Program, we call such relapses "slips". The one thing I know for certain is that I alone can cause myself to slip. WILL I REMEMBER AT ALL TIMES THAT THE THOUGHT PRECEDES THE ACTION? WILL I TRY TO AVOID "STINKING THINKIN?" Today I Pray May God give me the power to resist temptations. May the responsibility for giving in, for having my "slip," be on my shoulders and mine only. May I see BEFOREHAND if I am setting myself up for a slip by blame-shifting, shirking my responsibility to myself, becoming the world's poor puppet once again. My return to those old attitudes can be as much of a slip as the act of losing my sobriety (or over-eating)! Today I Will Remember Nobody's slip-proof. I sure could of used this today when I slipped and ate candy.. I was gonna blame Kimmy.. as she brought it in the office. But.. *I'M* the one who ate 'em.. ~sigh~.. BUT at the store tonight.. I did consciously say.. no Rhonda you don't need that.. you are not bringing it into the house.. baby steps.. in everything!! good evening peeps

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

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