Sweet tits!!

on 1/22/08 10:58 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Morning doll-

Hope all is well, I got no phone call so I'm assuming you are ok.

I hate to say this, but I have daniel completely not in the picture right now, my main focus is you. I have 2 meetings tonight after work, Maybe I'll give you a call after my meetings. Or maybe just do one. I thought of you last night....actually I thought of you alot yesterday/night.

I had my alcohol evaluation yesterday, coincedentally, my new counselor goes to my Thursday night meetings. It was pretty cool to know that this man is suffering the same thing I am. Only difference is, he's 25 years sober. I'm not. So I called my probation officer this morning and bumped up my meetings. I'm going back to my every day cycle of meetings.

This is to better myself, no one else. I hate to sound selfish, and I k now you and I are not in the same situation by any means, but damnit Rhonda, if you need to be selfish, then you need to be selfish when it comes to sobriety.

I love you, and pending meetings, I'll call you when I get home.

Go Steelers!!
October, 1st, 2004-LapRNY
on 1/23/08 12:33 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
hey hun.. what you yellin about .. lol.. I'm good..  we all know what drama drinking brings.. and caring.. loving someone that drinks.  Right now (today) Dan and I are good...  I told him yesterday over the phone.. I was at work and so was he. you can stay..  he said.. don't decide anything now.. just wait.. I said.. I know.. but you shouldn't have to wait out in limbo.. you need some routine also.. I said..  it's only because you got back on the wagon.. and trying to do the right thing.. and I am not so hard that I can't bend a little.  Altho many times.. before AA.. I can be a hard ass.. I said what I said and I mean what I say!!  Sometimes I would cut off my nose.. to.. whatever that saying is.. I said.. if you were still drinking..  it would be different.. (I know that relapse and learning to bounce back is part of the recovery... ) but it's still hard to live with... I said.. we both know that if you don't keep going to the meetings.. YOU will relapse again.. it's been proven.  And if you do.. ??  it may be back to Wisconsin or an apt.. it's not because I'm angry that he would be drinking again... or to punish him.. or because I'm afraid I will relapse.  It's because I cannot stand being around him (or any *drunk* at this point) while they are drinking.  It turns my stomach.. I get anxiety.. I fear they will pass out while smoking and burn my house down.   Friday nite he drank but left the house.. I didn't care cuz it wasn't under my nose.. I didn't have to deal with him while he was actually drinking.    Hope this makes sense...  and I've told friends here.. like when married to ex-husband.. when it's time.. to say enough is enough, I'll know.  Cuz he will be out.  just like when I FINALLY left my ex.   For whatever reason.. this time was not the time.. cuz I told him he can stay..  I can't explain it ... Please call me.. thanks for letting me know how YOU are doing.. you hang in there.. and when you think of ME.. think of MIKE too and don't ever give up on YOURSELF
on 1/23/08 8:25 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
hey love.. if you called I missed it.. dan and I went to a meeting last nite.. together no biggie except before I stopped going lately.. I was going to mine.. to see my sponsor.. he was going to his..  which wasn't mine.. so it was kinda of strange, but good to go to one together.. again! if you didn't call me... why not..   love ya sweet tits
on 1/24/08 1:52 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I did, after my meeting, around 8.30 or so.

I left a message.....but got rudely cut off by your answering machine.


Go Steelers!!
October, 1st, 2004-LapRNY
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