Drinking problem

Renee S.
on 11/1/07 10:17 am - PA
Hi all,  How do you know if you really have a drinking problem?Thanks in advance for any replies.

Renee S

on 11/1/07 11:44 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY

funny you should ask..

I was at a lead AA meeting last night.. and the lady speaking *20ish years sober* said if you have to ask..  odds are you do.  Most NORMAL people just don't ask that question.

*we laughed*

on 11/1/07 12:13 pm - So. Easton, MA

Well, for me I know that I wanted a drink by 3pm....wanted to find lunch places where I could drink, and even thought about putting wine or champagne in my bowl of cheerio's.

I woke up wanting a drink, barely got through the day until I could get home for a drink...and put booze at the top of my  shopping list. If I've described anything sounding similar to you, you too, have a drinking problem. Please get some help. Try a meeting, see a professional therapist, have a friend go with you if you don't want to go alone...but KNOW YOU'RE NOT ALONE.  Marie


Karen N.
on 11/1/07 12:24 pm - Charlotte, NC
 Belly Laugh Laughing at Marie for wanting wine with her cheerios....I love it. Just when you think you've heard or done it all!!!

Friend of Bill W.   "I come from a long line of plump women with bad knees"

on 11/1/07 9:31 pm - So. Easton, MA
Well it SEEMED like a great idea at the time! LOL...In the end I passed on the cereal and just had the wine instead...That"s about when I figured out I had a real life threatener happening...:)    Now it just sounds so gross...in a funny, "EWWWWWWWWW" kind of way! :)


Karen N.
on 11/1/07 12:21 pm - Charlotte, NC

Hi Renee,

There are several websites that have questions you can answer. That's exactly how I found my way into AA.

Do a Google search on 'Am I An Alcoholic". That will give you several sites to check out.

If you have no control over how much you drink once you start or miss work from drinking or if people comment on your behavior when you drink, how much or how often. Or do you crave a drink? Do things you would never so sober?Relationships suffer due to your drinking? Drink to feel comfortable in social environments? Drink and drive? Feel remorse after drinking? Tried to quit and couldn't? Spending money on drinking that should be spent elsewhere? Lowered your companions or environment to drink? Job or family ambitions lowered?

These are the types of questions to indicate if you have a problem.

And yes, Rhonda is right, if you are trying to figure out if you have a drinking problem...you do.

But there is help out there for you. Millions of people are recoverying from alcoholism and you don't have to do it alone.

Best wishes to you and please let me know if I can help.





Friend of Bill W.   "I come from a long line of plump women with bad knees"

Curious G.
on 11/1/07 6:45 pm - Peachtree City, GA
Here is a link to a questionairre that  professionals use to help screen people for alcohol abuse issues: http://alcoholism.about.com/od/tests/l/blquiz_alcohol.htm They use this in treatment centers and other mental health facilities. In AA, "working my first step" is what really helped me make up my own mind.  I was advised to do a drinking history on paper.This entailed listing the following going ALL the way back to my first drink: Age of first drink  Age of first drunk Every time I could remember that I blacked out when drinking Every time I could remember that I threw up when drinking Any consequences (legal/parental/familial/etc) derived from behaviors while drinking Every time I woke up embarassed or ashamed after drinking Every time I said I would not drink that day but did anyway Times I participated in "risky" behavior when drinking (unprotected sex, driving drunk, other stupid things) Every time somebody else mentioned my drinking to me as an issue Methods I'd ever used to control my drinking (buying smaller amounts, changing the times or days I drank, switching to wine or beer, only drinking when out, only drinking when IN, diluting, hiding my booze, changing jobs, changing friends, not going to certain bars, etc - anything at all I changed up in my routine in an attempt to get myself under control) Every time I'd quit drinking only to eventually resume again Hurtful things I'd done to others while drinking Men I'd slept with whom I would NOT sleep with sober ----------------------------------- You get the picture.  Google the "Alcoholic Anonymous First Step Worksheets" and you can find similar exercises to this.  What this did for me was to put on PAPER an honest assessment of my own personal history with alcohol.  When all down on paper, patterns emerge, facts cannot be glossed over or spun differently and it helped me to really get honest with myself. Finally - the kicker.  You and ONLY you can determine if you have a problem with alcohol.   I wish you all the best and hope to see you posting again! Love and light, Michelle
  "God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein

Karen N.
on 11/1/07 10:53 pm - Charlotte, NC
Great post, Michelle. That's a print and keep for sure!!!

Now....if only I could remember my blackouts!

Friend of Bill W.   "I come from a long line of plump women with bad knees"

on 11/1/07 11:35 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY


 i don't think I want to remember some of mine... LOL.. Wednesday's lead referenced Gray outs.. I liked that.. cuz there are periods of heavy drinking.. that those months.. years.. are just a fog.. not a night of blackout.. but a period of grayouts. now I can just blame it on old age..

Daniel J.
on 11/1/07 9:32 pm - Alexandria, KY



Top Signs You Have A Drinking Problem 1 You lose arguments with inanimate objects. 2 You have to hold onto the lawn to keep from falling off the earth 3 Job interfering with your drinking. 4 Your doctor finds traces of blood in your alcohol stream. 5 Career won't progress beyond Senator from Massachusettes. 6 The back of your head keeps getting hit by the toilet seat. 7 Sincerely believe alcohol to be the elusive 5th food group. 8 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case - coincidence?? - I think not! 9 Two hands and just one mouth... - now THAT'S a drinking problem! 10 "Norm!" is what they say when you enter the bar. 11 When you can focus better with one eye closed 12 The parking lot seems to have moved while you were in the bar 13 Every person you see has an exact twin. 14 You wake up to find Windows 2009 installed on your machine. 15 If you keep asking your spouse "where are the kids?", but you don't really have a spouse and you're talking to the refridgerator. 16 You fall off the floor. 17 You discover in the morning liquid cleaning supplies have disappeared. 18 Your twin sons are named Barley and Hops. 19 Had "Spuds McKenzie" tattoo removed, replaced it with "Red Dog." 20 Hey, 5 beers has just as many calories as a burger, screw dinner! 21 Beer: it's not just for breakfast anymore. 22 The glass keeps missing your mouth. 23 Bill Clinton starts to make sense. 24 When you go to donate blood and they ask what proof? 25 Vampires get woozy after biting you. 26 The only drinking problem is not having a drink right now. 27 At AA meeting you begin: "Hi, my name is... uh..." 28 Your idea of cutting back is less seltzer. 29 When vomiting becomes a relief. 30 Having a hard time staying on the side walk - left, right, stumble, fall 31 You wake up in the bedroom, your underwear is in the bathroom. 32 Barney, that dinosaur is damned funny! 33 You think, Four Basic Food Groups are Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol, and sex. 34 Every night you're beginning to find your roomate's cat more attractive. 35 Hi ocifer. I'm not under the affluence of incohol. 36 Waking up with a traffic cone between your legs. 37 No ocifer, I'm not drunk... you're just sober... 38 Problem? I Drink, I get Drunk, I Fall down....No Problem 39 If on a diet, you cut back your food calories to allow for alcohol calories. 40 Take me drunk, I'm home! 41 The bottle's empty...that's the problem! 42 Find yourself as the captain for the Exxon Valdez. 43 You wake up naked lying in the corner of a bus depot. 44 Roseanne looks good. 45 Don't recognize spouse unless seen through bottom of bottle. 46 You drink to get over a hangover. 47 That damned pink elephant followed me home again. 48 You are the proud owner of a porcelain bus driver's liscense. 49 The Whisky Ain't Working Anymore. 50 Senators Kennedy and Packwood shake their heads when they walk past you. 51 You have a reserved parking space at the A&P. 52 I'm as jober as a sudge! 53 You consider yourself a workaholic, becuase every time you go to work, you want to have a beer! 54 I slept with that damned pink elephant again. 55 Mosquitoes spiral down to the ground in circles after biting you. 56 Newt Gingrich.... he's soooo sexy. 57 You find yourself in a room on a train arriving in Tiajuana and the last thing you remember is being in a bar in NYC! 58 Your name is Ted Kennedy. 59 You wake up in Korea in August and the last thing you remember is the Fourth of July party in Waikiki. 60 Red dog upside down looks like batman eating a catwoman. 61 You've fallen and you can't/(don't want to) get up. 62 You don't drink. (That's a problem!) 63 When hangovers become an attractive alternative lifestyle. 64 BeerTender! Get me another Bar! 65 Boris Yeltsin tries to get you to join AA. 66 The shrubbery's drunk from frequent watering. 67 Do you take this woman.. 68 You wake up too groggy to come up with anything funny for this damn list. 69 You realize you have shaved your head except for a little rat tail hanging from the top and you're pestering people to buy incense & crap. 70 Your only friends are Jack, Johnnie, and Jose. 71 Double vision so much the norm, you can't function w/o it. 72 You listen to the radio and start dancing to hootie and the blowfish. 73 Because you're not as think you are drunk I am... 74 salt, sugar, grease, carbohydrates - yes, alcohol is the fifth food group. 75 Your favorite drink is ethanol. 76 Why does everybody think I have a prinking droblem?! 77 You can't remember what your family looks like... or if you have a family. 78 You wake up surrounded by 50 dented cases of SPAM. 79 You like SPAM. 80 You get defensive when someone asks if you have drinking problem. 81 Haven't stopped drinking since Reagan got elected. 82 I don't have a drinking prob.. pleb.. prub..hic Pash me another, tarbender. 83 You spend a whole night holding up walls to prevent their (your) collapse. 84 The opposite wall is covered with ceiling tiles and there are rows of light fixtures. 85 When you feel drunk is feeling sophisticated when you can't say it. 86 When you feel that beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder. 87 When you read about the evils of drinking, and give up reading. 88 When you feel reality is an illusion that occurs due to the lack of alcohol.  Some of these are funny and some hold a bit of truth. I hope you find your answer and a program to help if you are. Good luck

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