Sickening Behavior
I am sickened and repulsed by my behavior today. I saw Frank this afternoon, and have absolutely no excuse for it. While he was here, I began to question my sanity in seeing him. I just know that I have never been repulsed and sickened so quickly before.
I do not know what to do, or where to turn anymore. I know that Dr. Barrett said I used to believe I would not get sober, and I wonder if I would ever be able to stop seeing Frank. I am so sick and tired of vacillating between purity and immorality.
I do know that I have not been taking one of my meds at the right level. I hate that med, and hate having to take it. It is the med that Dr. Chaefsky says helps me with my impulsivity and acting out. I hate the way it knocks me out and I have trouble waking up. I also hate that it is primarily used for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and I am not diagnosed with either of them, according to Dr. Barrett.
I wish I had a shoulder to cry on right now. I have made such a huge mess of my life, and I am alone, and lonely, and so very, very worn out from this stuff. I wanted to call you, but I feared being scolded by you. I feel like I am going to lose my mind right now.
I also broke my glasses tonight and the eyeglass place that would fix them was closed when I got there. I am getting a headache from my old glasses.
I have to go. My eyes are really having trouble seeing the
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer