on 9/9/07 11:38 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
for my sobriety when I read stories like this... 8-4b1d-4368-a1ee-6a1ab89d16d4 I'm so thankful.. yet sometimes I still get anxiety when I think what could of happened... or what could still be, if I take that first drink..  facing reality is a good thing sometimes  Good Morning my Addict friends.. I hope everyone is safe and doing well this Monday morning
Curious G.
on 9/10/07 5:52 am - Peachtree City, GA
amen amen and again amen. These kind of storie**** so close to home since I had the misfortune of causing an accident while dui and in a semi-blackout.  That could have easily been me in that situation. God spared us all, protected me in ways that still amaze and baffle me.  My car was smashed on all 4 sides yet i only had a few bruises.  The tow truck driver told me when I went to get my things out of the car that they were certain the driver had died. There *were* injuries, and that's more than plenty to deal with for the rest of my life.  I can't begin to imagine the horror I'd feel to know that I'd caused somebody's death. I am ***so*** immensely grateful that no lives were lost and that this incident was strongly responsible for my getting sober.  I get chills. Thank you God, Angels and Divine light! Michelle
  "God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein

Patricia R.
on 9/10/07 12:17 pm - Perry, MI
When I was first sober, back in 1990, I attended a women's meeting where a woman shared how she still struggles with the guilt from having caused a death in a DUI.  I know that I have trouble with guilt from the way I treated my kids back when I was a lunatic, sober but nuts.  I would not be able to handle the guilt of causing someone's death.   These types of accidents give me so much gratitude.  But for the grace of God, that could be me.   When my daughter was in college, her best friend was killed in a DUI, the friend never drank.  Her friend was just a few weeks from graduating from college, and had so much to live for.  The pity is, it was not the driver's first DUI.   My mom's boyfriend's nephew killed two people, a father and his son, in a DUI.  He served time in a prison and is out now.   I thank God I am alive, and sober today.  What a gift. Trish
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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