Switching Addictions
"God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein
Albert Schweitzer
You all are so great that I feel like hugging each and everyone of you. Today is difficult for me because if is the anniversary of Katrina and although I did not have to suffer by being there; my family was still there (I was born and raised in New Orleans). I keep thinking of the panic I felt b/c I could not get in touch with them and my sister is a dialysis patient I kept having horrible thoughts about that...but anyway I come to this place and you all center me. I am not the only person in the world and it doesn't revolve around me (today ). There are so many people going through and suffering, that my problems don't seem that great. My parents for instance had to live with their little girl for 2 yrs (me), and boy is she difficult. I think that for now I will take it one step at a time. Try to surrender as suggested. I realize the problems with being a control artist (refuse to say "freak") and not having any for the past two years may have taken their toll. Not that I am a victim, you understand, but maybe I, with support, counseling and first and foremost God in my corner, may be able to see the light. Thank you all. Is it weird that what made me think I had a problem was that my weight was creeping up? I am not sure but there may be a message in their somewhere. Keep your heads up!