My tumor, Larry
So - as I mentioned in Liz's post. I've got several cysts and an icky fibroid (so we think at this point) tumor whom I've named Larry. I hurt. So I'm referred out to the ob-gyn for more treatment but she cannot see me until 8/21 and I've already been in pain for 3 weeks. Sigh. My pcp offerred me pain medication but I opted for the Rx strength motrin (I know - nsaids) instead. With my ulcer history, I'm not sure that's the best route, but the thought of narcotic pain meds for 3 + weeks frightens me. I do not have a history of taking such meds as prescribed, and I do not wish at this point in my sobriety to jeopardize it by ingesting anythign that gives me any sort of buzz.. So this morning, I'm contemplating which I value more - no pain or my sobriety - that's easy - sobriety. **BUT** I'm having a little internal temper tantrum at myself because I don't want to be in pain either.
And in typical alcoholic/addict fashion, I've projected this horrible future where my uterus falls out on the floor or Larry pokes his head thru the surface of my skin and says hello. The gp said that I might end up with a hysterectomy since I've had the tubal anyhow and am having no more kids. Now how in the hell will I deal with THAT without pain meds?
So - I'm mad at me once again. I wish I wasn't wired up to addictive behavior.
Gratitude - reminding myself that it's probably not cancer (they *think* it's a fibroid but it was only a ultrasound so we're not positive - we do know it's a "mass"), my kids are healthy, I have a good (albeit annoying) job and I can pay my bills. I've a nice home and good friends. My dog loves me. lol all good things. I'm a hrorible patient. I've been blessed with pretty remarkable health. When things do go batty with my health, I'm a HUGE baby. I don't like hurting and the fear that I might have cancer or something is a bit daunting. Any of you experience this? (the girl stuff, not the crazy self-talk LOL) love and light, Michelle
"God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein
Albert Schweitzer