my first aa - thank you

on 5/26/07 1:54 pm
I just wanted to thank you all so much for the support.  I went to my first aa meeting on tuesday.  My boyfriend and I were on the rocks for a few days, and I told him on Tuesday that I had a drinking problem and that I was going to my first aa meeting that night.  He broke up with me and i have found out that he has been with his ex girlfriend.  So I have been under the weather with a broken heart.  But I am dealing.  Thanks to you all.  You have all given me the support that I need to know that I can do this.  And I will admit, I breakdown and cry and say that I cant... but I pick myself right back up agian.  I just wanted to tell you that you saved my life.  THANK YOU!                                                                                                                    Love, Erin!
on 5/26/07 3:08 pm - San Francisco, CA
Aw Erin!  I'm so glad you came back and let us know that you went.   The meetings do help so much.  Especially, Especially, especially in the beginning for me, and for the rest of thier lives for many other.  It sounds like you need to be with people who understand what you are going through.  There will be more relationships.  I'm sorry he broke up with you, but use this time to learn to love and take care of yourself.  Your sobriety is the most important thing you do right now.  Once you get that going the right way, then you can share your heart with someone very special. I wouldn't trade my life the way it is now for the way it was....for anything.  Much more real happiness, real love, and real joy.
Curious G.
on 5/27/07 12:17 am - Peachtree City, GA
I'm so proud of you! I know the boyfriend thing hurts right now, but honestly there are so many hidden blessings in painful events.  It's difficult to see them at the time, but you'll have to trust me on that one.   You just keep your focus on doing the next right thing, and taking your recovery one day at a time.  The rest falls into place.   And yes, you CAN do it.  As you may have heard read in the promises, "We have rarely seen a person fail who has thouroughly followed our path.  Those that don't are people who cannot or will not be completely honest with themselves."     So - use this time to totally focus on yourself.  You're absolutely worth it.  A healthy Erin will be more likely to choose boyfriend who are truly worthy of her. :) Keep fighting the good fight, and email me BEFOREHAND, if you feel like drinking - I'll call you and talk to you or exchange emails/im's - whatever you need.  I mean that. Hugs,  Michelle
  "God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein

on 5/27/07 5:56 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Thanks for sharing Erin.. I'm really sorry about your boyfriend.. it looks like you get to have a fresh start all the way around.  You get to get on the road to recovery..  and get yourself all better.   Once at an AA it was asked what is THE MOST important thing...   of course I thought at first GOD.. and then sobriety.. a gentleman there said for him, it was Sobriety.. cuz without it.. he would not have the sense to appreciate his Higher Power.. THAT made so much sense to me.. all other things in your life should preceed you maintaining Sobriety.. :-)  once you have your sobriety.. the other things.. (like a boyfriend) will come..  and you will appreciate it so much more!! hugsss... hang in there and go to those meetings and keep us posted if you don't mind
Patricia R.
on 5/27/07 10:07 am - Perry, MI
When I came back into the program, I was going through a very painful divorce.  I managed to get sober, and cry so many tears.  I used to complain to my sponsor and my therapist that I hate feeling the F***ing feelings.  I was used to numbing them somehow.   Guess what.  I didn't die from feeling the feelings and crying my eyes out.  In fact, I grew.  I went back to graduate school, something my ex would not allow me to do.  I got my Masters in Social Work.  I have two careers now.  I love my new career.  I had gastric bypass surgery.  I am losing weight.  I have more hope for a good life than I ever had while married to the man.   Keep going to meetings.  Connect with women in AA.  Steer clear of the guys for a while.  It will be tempting to try to hook up with someone on the rebound, but it is strongly discouraged right now.  Your sobriety is more important than some guy right now. Keep posting how you are doing.   Hugs, Trish
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 5/27/07 9:03 pm - So. Easton, MA
Erin!!!  I'm so proud of you!! I'm so glad you put YOU first and went to the meeting!! Everything really does happen for a reason.  Now you can totally focus on you and your journey into sobriety. I'll tell you that for me, there is nothing finer!  Waking up knowing that IF I've fogotten what day it is, it's not because I was too drunk!  Concentrate on staying sober, go to meetings--as many as you need to!!  And post!! :) I'm so glad you're putting you first!! Marie


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