What to expect at a meeting?
You do not have to talk at all. Not one word. Don't feel bad. Don't raise you hand. If they do around the room and ask you to introduce yourself...just say, "Hi, I'm *****, and I'm new" Or if you are willing to admit it say, "I'm *****, and I'm an alcoholic".
You do not ever have to talk. The only reason we want to know who everyone is, is so we have an idea if we can talk to you afterwards.
It is good to just sit back and listen. Really. That is the best thing you can do for yourself. Just breath, and listen with your heart. Leave all judgments at the door, and be willing to learn ideas that can help you get and stay sober.
Even though I don't have a higher power, I loved sitting there in meetings and feeling how calm and open it was (open in expression of feelings and stories). My life was so messed up and crazy....it was a place of strenth, guidance, and peace.
Ironically, of course, with 12-step programs...they do have a solid process down that is pretty much followed at every meeting. So it is good to just sit back and listen to learn and see how the meetings goes. There are rules, and they are in place to keep peace, structure, and respect. So I don't mind them. They are helpful. But once you know the structure...then the mind is free to express. I never said the prayers other than the serenity prayer, and I just wouldn't say the first word, and I was never questioned about that. I would listen, and just feel the energy.