I really fought hard to stop myself.
I was keeping busy yesterday, trying not think of going out shopping. I started a to do list to help me keep focused. Trouble is with that to do list, everytime I take one thing off I add two more. Anyways, I get this phone call from my co-worker and it seems our other coworker, who just retired over 1 year ago, and whom I just seen two weeks ago at a meeting. Died. Well after wallowing in sorrow. I had this wild notion tand said "f##k it, you struggle, save and try to have a better life, and then you die young. He's was only 57 old. I just wanted to go out and shop. But then I stopped myself. (After two hours however) . Anyways, I never realized how bad an addiction I had. Yeah I think I can, I just am coming to terms with it, just didn't realize how bad it is/was. So this month at my support meeting that I have for postops, think I will discuss addicitons. Course I know that no one else will admit it. Battle the demons, One Day At A time! Susanna
Albert Schweitzer