This week was a struggle....and I guess I lost!
I did shopping therapy for five years after my husband left me, and I gained 60 pounds, but I was sober. Now, I have $50,000 in debt, and this is after a year of debt consolidation. My credit rating is in the toilet. Now that I am 6 months post-op, I have no addictions to turn to. I have to feel the f%$#@ing feelings. Somedays are good. Some suck royally. I make meetings, not often enough, as I work three jobs, to pay off my debt and keep my lips above the water line. Cut up your credit cards, or lock them in a box for emergencies only. Emergency would be having to fly out of town and stay in a hotel to visit your sick relative. That sort of thing. Be happy you caught it early. I didn't. Hugs, Trish
Albert Schweitzer