Hi Rhonda,
Sorry I have been so quiet lately. My kids and Mom are in town, and I value my time with them so much, I am willing to sacrifice time on the computer. Not tomention I have to compete with them for the computer.
I also have to confess that I have not been making my AA meetings like I need to. I hope to grab one tomorrow afternoon. I have to work this evening for one of my jobs. I have three jobs altogether, but if I do not make my meetings I jeopardize my sobriety and those jobs as well.
I had a special holiday time with my family. It was difficult because my family is missing my brother who passed away in October. I missed seeing my daughter, as she lives too far away to have her come home this Christmas, as she is pregnant, and it is a 12 hour drive.
New Years Eve will see me working at one of my jobs for a few hours in the afternoon, and then I also am working all day New Years Day. It is a great time to make a lot of meetings and welcome newcomers to AA, as many people attend AA for the first time in January.