What do you do when suicidal feelings come up?
Hi Grace-
I read your bio and it seems like we have a lot in common- from the love of cats right down to lovin' Barry! You seem like a wonderful person who has a lot of people who love and care about you. Please encourage your husband to get you into treatment soon- like tonight. I have some issues with depression and anxiety myself and am on meds to control it. Depression runs in my family too- mom and grandma. It's not fair that we have to deal with this genetics crap, is it?? You are dealing with a lot with trying to stay sober. You are very brave and strong to tackle that addiction. I'm proud of you. Please be a friend to yourself and remember- this isn't YOU- this is the chemicals in your brain making you feel like this. When you feel better you don't want to hurt yourself, right? Remember that!!
People care about you- do NOT forget that!!!!
oh my baby gracie,
you know i think you are so tired of fighting this alone, honey. we can all tell you we love you and how important you are, because you are. but, you must not believe us. i know you want to go to heaven and you don't want to leave your kitty.so, please go to the hospital. thee is no shame in it. at least you'll be safe, and get some rest and help. i value you so much, but you scare me sometimes. i'm so far away from you i can't help and i feel scared and frustrated. where is your husband?i wish i had you phone number to make sure you will be ok.grace,,what is it? are you lonesome? miss your mom, or the drinking?i'm not sure and maybe you aren't either. please, go get help. i love you, i want to some day meet with you. i'm here if ya need me, just call, ok? love--- hugs--kath b.
Grace - I have been where you are and please, you have to get some help for this - NOW. The feelings will pass, but it takes time and when they hit, it seems like we don't have that precious commodity.
Talk to someone, and know we are here for you. I remember you posting about your love for Barry Manilow. I wrote back that I actually got to meet him once in person. Man, was THAT a thrill. There are so many thrills left out here for you.
We love you Grace. Hang in there.