no other wya to say it
You can stop if you are willing.Tthere are many ways to get help and support. Personally, I attend 12 step meetings and follow the program suggested. Others here do and also have outside help from Dr., church, and other resources. Some have checked into inpatient and out patient programs. You have many options if you decide you really want it. Congratulations for coming here and reaching out. That is a big step! Welcome.I check the mb a couple times daily unless I am really busy. Keep coming back. Lots of nice people here.
I have been where you are, and had no clue how to stop. If you would like help stopping there are support groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous or Celebrate Recovery. Go to their websites and find out what they are about. You can even find meetings in your area online. Go to a meeting and ask someone for help. They really want to help you. They understand, as we do, just how you feel.
The first step in 12 step recovery says, "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives have become unmanageable." From the sounds of it, you could probably identify with that.
Keep posting to us, but do try to make a meeting.