AA Meeting Question...??

*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 7/14/06 9:37 pm - East Burbs, MN
1st off.. last nights meeting was short and sweet. Met some new folks there and got alot of info from it. There was a gentleman there well into his 60's that was 35 years sober and loving life. His story really touched me. ok.. here is my question, forgive my ignorance.. When at the AA meeting.. when folks introduce themselves and they add they are "chemically dependent or addict..etc after they are an alcoholic. What is Chemically Depended, Chemically Independent, Addict...etc mean? I assume that some of it means drugs, but I guess I was curious and trying to understand.. Hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks!!
on 7/14/06 11:41 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Ettiquette varies. I have found this in my fellowship of NA. We ask people to identify themselves as addicts period. The idea is that we do not care what you used only that you want to do something about it. In another nearby town people give some long complicated cross addicted, poly addicted ........ At some AA meetings here they get pissy if you say anything except alcoholic and others are okay with alcoholic / drug addict. I say addict at NA, Alcoholic at AA. I keep it short and sweet.Honestly I am sometimes not sure what people are saying. I am sure someone else maybe Trish knows the specifics. When in Rome... I guess this does not really answer your question well but I find it silly to give a lengthy recital of everything. It is probably because I got my start in a group that emphasizes that it does not matter. Addiction is addiction and it affects all areas of our life.So I am ingrained in that. I hope you get a good answer because it is interesting and confusing to me. I am sure chemically dependant is drugs of some kind. Locally we say mind altering substances rather than be specific because it can be a trigger to some to hear talk of a specific drug. I have seen people really uncomfortable at mtgs while another gave specific details of using the drug of anothers choice. It is not in the spirit of recovery to romance your drug in the open meeting.It happens with newcomers on a regular basis. Rarely are they stopped unless it gets too lengthy but afterwards someone will clue them in in a loving way to not be so graphic. Laurie
*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 7/14/06 11:46 pm - East Burbs, MN
Thanks Laurie~ I kinda figured it would be what you said. I guess it didnt really matter to me as we are all there to seek recovery from an addiction. Just curious.. Have a SUPER day!!
on 7/15/06 12:15 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
You have a good day too. We are going boating today. We will head over to Pensacola Beach to watch the Blue Angles show. It will be crowded but we have not gone for a few years so I am looking forward to it. trying to keep my temper with my almost 17 yr old son. He is going thru that know it all thing this am!!! Laurie
*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 7/15/06 12:33 am - East Burbs, MN
ooooo...boating sounds GLORIOUS!! Gonna be 100 degrees today. I am having an OH-MN get together this afternoon/eve at me casa. We will have the sprinklers out and water balloons flying! It will be lots of fun and I cant wait to meet alot of new folks! My teenager is going thru that "Im 17 and Im a Senior at HS and I should be able to do what I want." phase... She has her moments.. I have the perfect sign that is hanging at the top of the stairs as she walks up.. TEENAGERS ~ Tired of being harrassed by your parents? ACT NOW..!! Move Out, Get A Job, Pay Your Own Way, While You Still Know Everything...! I LOVE IT!! Parental Patience and friendly HUGS to YOU!!
Patricia R.
on 7/15/06 9:32 am - Perry, MI
Good question. The patients at the hospital today were talking about that very same question. The etiquette varies by group. In our AA meetings there is a card that is read that if it is a closed meeting, the discussion stay on problems related to alcohol. Some AAers in some meetings are pure alcoholics and only want alcohol/alcoholic used. It goes back to the primary purpose and the traditions. Reading the 12 steps/12 traditions book helps a lot. It discusses some of the history about this. Some people are both addicts and alcoholics, and identify as both. Some are just one or the other, and identify as such. When I am at AA, I am an alcoholic. If I visit NA, which I have done when supporting friends and my son, I am an addict. I would abuse anything and everything back in the day. The best thing to do is talk to a sponsor about what is the best thing in your meetings. Do you have a sponsor yet? They are great resources for information and support for your particular area of the country. You are doing great with your meeting attendance. Keep up the good work. Hugs, Trish
(deactivated member)
on 7/17/06 5:26 am - CA
on 7/21/06 10:41 pm - Lewisville, TX
Hi, as a sober & clean AA member who is an alcoholic, drug addict, food addict, etc. I hope I can help you with this information. The term "chemically dependant" would refer to someone who is addicted to some type of chemical substance. It's really a nicer way of saying dope fiend, coke head, or even drug addict, as these terms still carry negative connetations. The reason people identify themselves as an alcoholic in AA, an addict or drug addict in NA, etc. has to do with the tradition of singleness of purpose. Here is something from the aa web page (http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/): "A.A. Traditions: During its first decade, A.A. as a fellowship accumulated substantial experience which indicated that certain group attitudes and principles were particularly valuable in assuring survival of the informal structure of the Fellowship. In 1946, in the Fellowship's international journal, the A.A. Grapevine, these principles were reduced to writing by the founders and early members as the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. They were accepted and endorsed by the membership as a whole at the International Convention of A.A., at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1950." In other words, AA is made up of the 12 steps, and 12 traditions (and the lesser known 12 concepts for world service). The traditions are there to ensure that AA will be around in the future... All other 12 step groups base their steps and traditions on AA (but may word them slightly different). The traditions that come into play most here are the 3rd and 5th traditions. The 3rd tradition states: "The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking" which determines who is able to attend closed meetings. In other words, if you have a desire to stop drinking, you can attend a closed meeting. If not, head to an open meeting instead. The 5th tradition states: "5. Each group has but one primary purpose--to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers" meaning the primary purpose of AA is to help people who haven't found their way out. All that being said, it is proper etiquette, based on these traditions, to identify in such a manner: "My name is ___ and I have a desire to stop ___ (at AA, this would be drinking, at NA, it would be using, Gambler's anonymous, gambling, etc.). Also, it is actually against the traditions to add addictions. For example, if I attend an AA meeting, I would introduce myself like this: "Hi, my name is Teri and I am an alcoholic" without adding my other addictions, or, if I attend an NA meeting, I would introduce myself like this: "Hi, my name is Teri and I am an addict" without adding my other addictions. Remember, it is about singleness of purpose. Please let me know if I can help with anything else as this is an area I know ALL about!
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