
on 7/10/06 5:43 am - Missouri City, TX
Okay you all, i don't think i have a problem but this is my situation...I suffer with severe RLS and the only thing to kill the pain is hydrocodine. I am in so much pain that is what i have to take. I went to a Neurologist on the 30th of June and he told me that i wasn't absorbing iron and that is where i getting severe RLS. Here is my sitation...one doctor tells me i am taking them just fine every 4 hours and another one is telling me i am taking them too often. The doctor that is telling me that i am taking them every 4 hours understands i need them because i am in pain. The other one doesn't agree. I am so scared to call into the doctors office now and talk to anyone. In 5 days i went through 30 pills. In 8 days i have gone through 55 pills. What do you all think? Do you know of a medicine that is over the counter that i could take that will kill the pain? Tylenol does nothing to me. Thanks Marti
on 7/10/06 10:40 am - Austin, TX
Can you address the iron issue. I know some people have infusions mixed with saline over a period of 1-4 hours. I've always had injections of Ferrlecit at my doc's office. I just finished about 8 vials and my iron is now smack dab in the middle of normal. And it only cost me my co-pay, not 20% of an outpatient hospital bill. $160 compared to over $2000. That's if you can take it. When I moved to Austin, the docs weren't familiar with this and I had to go to 3 docs before one would administer the injection; something I've been taking for 5 years in California. I had to take vicodin for my lbl every 4 hours and I had withdrawals when I stopped, so I don't know. Yoy can try gradually cutting back and see how that works. If you cut back and find yourself craving it even though you're really not in pain, that's when the bells should go off. This operation, I asked for a non-narcotic and I was given Tramadol. Smart woman for asking. Pays to be proactive. Vicki
on 7/10/06 2:27 pm - Missouri City, TX
I have addressed this issue with the doctors but now it is a waiting game for the hematologist to go over my paperwork and then schedule an appointment. I called them this afternoon and told her that i am sorry if i keep on bugging them but i am in severe pain with RLS and need to get in to see him ASAP. I am taking to my hydrocodine and need to get off. I do notice when i am taking it just to sleep, but i haven't been here lately. When that happens, i do wean myself off of it immediately. I am not the type of person who likes to get addicted to something at all but when it helps you go to sleep sometimes you cant help it until you realize what you are doing. I have yet to hit a plauteau and can pretty much eat anything. That scared me when you told me about gaining the 10 pounds. Talking to my PCP about it and she said...Would you rather be in pain and be 10 pounds less or would you rather not be in pain and just gain 10 pounds but feel better? well yeah i know but still you don't understand that fact of being 10 pounds heavier until you ever stepped in my shoes or anyone else's shoes for that matter. I told her that no matter what i am still going to a hematologist to get this under control. If this don't work then i am going to a Chriopractor. Thanks for all your help. By the way...I love your posts to the TX board. You really make me think about my surgery. Thanks again. Marti
on 7/10/06 2:39 pm - Austin, TX
I had two horrendous plateaus, 6 mos +. You gotta know that made me close to insane. But thets's when my body shrank, sometimes a size in less than 2 weeks. wasted a lot of $ on clothes, never worn, tags on! Now this is my opinion, so take it as that. Docs here tried to send me to a hematologist and go through all of that stuff, and I knew from experience it wasn't necessary. I don't have a blood disorder. I come from an aneamic family and have had wls. Myself, I don't like to be shuffled from specialist to specialist. If you have insurance, you can mail order the Ferrlecit. My doc said if it didn't take with mre, I would know in 3 seconds. Now I will tell you what he told me, but don't take it as fact. He said a lot of docs refer to heotologists and outpatient because of the money; a lobby much like the pharmaceuticals. Don't know if that is true or not, but the injections solved my problem in a flash and I didn't have to go to a specialist, tests, go to the hospital, $, etc. But, keep in mind, that is just my experience and may not work or you. If that doesn't work for you, then go to the next step. Vicki
on 7/10/06 3:50 pm - Missouri City, TX
I do have insurance it is good. 100% pay if in network. So i am not worried about that but i do understand and agree with what you said. Thanks a bunch for your help...I will probably be asking more questions as the time goes on. Marti
on 7/10/06 4:00 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Marti, I am not familiar with the medical issues you are dealing with. Thank God my labs are good so far. I worked in pediatrics for so long adult medicine escapes me. I do think if the pain persists you should consider a pain specialist to help you deal with it. today it is a specialty unto itself. I was addicted to prescription pAIN MEDS FOR YEARS! It is not without its problems, but I do not think anyone needs to be a martyr and suffer needlessly. I sure hope this gets resolved for you soon. Laurie
on 7/10/06 4:24 pm - Missouri City, TX
What i am experiencing is Restless leg Syndrome. The pain comes on during the night and it is an achy pain that is constant. I took some pain medication and usually it makes me go to sleep but this pain medication was a different one that i haven't had in a while and now i am wired. Why can't it be during the day so i can get my housework done. Thanks a bunch for your response. Marti
on 7/10/06 4:43 pm - Austin, TX
I don't know. My Grandma had it because she had a stroke, but a lot of people have it because of low potassium. People diss me for eating bananas, but I need it. If you don't want to go through the labs thing, try a potassium supplement and see if it works. Educate yourself on high potassium foods. Don't know if you remember the Optifast craze. Many heart attacks due to low potassium. People just didn't know. Vicki
on 7/10/06 6:19 pm - Missouri City, TX
I have been thinking about bananas lately. I eat them when i am craving them. Marti
on 7/10/06 5:01 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Ouch. My family teases me about my constantly figiting legs. Can't help it. I have a lot of leg pain while trying to sleep. I had to change blankets recently because the heavy one I was using made it impossible to sleep. My legs and hips hurt so bad. Lighter blankets helped me alot! I have a hot tub so i often get in that at about 103 degrees just before bed. Nothing solves the problem but it helps me a lot. Laurie
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