When does it get easier..

*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 7/9/06 8:35 pm - East Burbs, MN
Weekends seem to be my weakness, emotionally. I swear yesterday I was trying to talk myself into just 1, but held strong. For me I know 1 wont work. Yesterday my SO was irritating me with almost everthing he did. I need to find my healthy outlet, so to speak. I should have maybe sought out a meeting last night, but didnt. I plan to go tonight. My grampy is so sweet! He emails me words of encouragement a couple times a week and it means the world to me. If you can picture a little 81 year old guy that sits on his recliner with his wireless keyboard, it is awesome! Thanks for listening.. I appreciated you all! TODAY is a new day! Dana 16 days clean
on 7/10/06 12:05 am - Austin, TX
Yesterday was hard for me, too. I know it was because it is so dang hot here, I was outside doing errnada, I got tired, and I'm still sad over the ring business. After all, I'm all alone, who would know? Except it doesn't work that way for me anymore. Especially since wls, it's 0-60 in a beer or 2, no middle ground, no mercy. And God knows I might take the keys to go get more. No way. Too scary. I pulled over into a 7/11 and bought a big gulp, something I never do. It worked just as well minus the consequences. But that's not where my mind wanted to take me. Sometimes it's a breeze. Others, I don't even walk down the liquor aisle. Booze on one side, chips on the other...I have absolutely no business being there. Good for you! I think each time we say no, we get more self-esteem and become stronger. We can never get complacent, though. Vicki
*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 7/10/06 1:24 am - East Burbs, MN
Thanks Vicki~ Good for you, too!! Its odd how stressful my work week can be and that I have NO desire to drink during the week anymore, just my weekends.. I am looking into getting a PT job for on the weekends to assist in repayment of some debts, but wanted to wait until I was at my 30 days before I put something else on my plate.. Im thinking I am going to begin my search for something that is brain dead work and not stressful. LOL.. There is a new Target opening up down the road, so I may look over there. Have a GREAT day!!
on 7/10/06 3:45 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Dana, Good for you! you hung on and it worked. It does build self esteem. I got far enough along that I could really look ahead and see I am not willing to give up what I have gained. That does make it easier to make right choices. It adds up one day at a time. Laurie
on 7/10/06 10:41 am - Austin, TX
Laurie, princess, Where's your crown?
on 7/10/06 4:05 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Ha-Ha! I got sick of that pix. I think I look crazy! I am still the Queen. Just ask my family! It is good to be the Queen. LOL This one was taken on my last cruise. It looks like me on a typical day. I hate to wear the crown everyday.... Laurie
on 7/10/06 4:46 pm - Austin, TX
Then I am taking it over,. Hah! Anybody who wants the tiara just has to speak up. But let me have it for a little while. Vickir
on 7/10/06 5:04 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Just remember it is a 50th birthday crown! If memory serves you are not 50 yet! Be careful what you ask for Miss Vicki. LOL Laurie
Patricia R.
on 7/10/06 12:30 pm - Perry, MI
I struggle on weekends a lot. Not necessarily with the urge to drink, but just emotionally. The lack of structure gives me the crazies. I have to keep myself extremely busy, and stay on my toes spiritually. Therefore, I have multiple knitting projects, and cleaning projects, and take walks, and go to church, and go to the park and take a walk, and garden, and do whatever healthy thing I can think of to improve my life, and not think about self-destructing, which is my first, second and third urge 99.9% of the time. Good for you for not giving into the urge. I can tell you that with repeated successes on the weekend, it will become easier. Hugs, Trish
on 7/10/06 3:38 pm - Austin, TX
You know whAT, WE HAVE TRIGGERS. hOLIDAYS WITH FAMILY, GOTTA HAVE mIMOSAS. sUPERBOWL, HAVE TO EAT JUNK FOOD AND DRINK. hOT DAY, bAR b q GOTTA HAVE A FROSTY BEER. gO OUT TO THE THEATRE. GOTTA HAVE A ****TAIL AT INTERMISSION,. All of this would be OK if it didn't trigger us. And it is very hary to redefine how we perceive what is fun during these events. You are a work in progress. Don't look at you failures...they won't go away, we have to live with it. Give yourself a break and start recognizing you triumphs. Sorry for the caps. Abrahan Lincoln said that evrey man has a right to be judged by his finest hour. Vicki
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