Survior of Sexual, Verbal and Physical
I was sexually molested when I was 12 . It was a friend of my father's. Didn't say anything to either parent and was always told I was a liar,good for nothing, and never would amount to anything. I was called a ***** on a regular everyday basis. Also my father is an alcholic, also took a great big thick board and he wouldn't hit us 1 or 2 times it was 20 0r 30 times with the board. Don't talk to either parents they both play favorites with grand kids. Sad thing is that my mother can't stand my daughter so that is when I stopped talking to her. I dealt with it on my own and never hit or abused my children and they are the center of my life. . My kids know that they can come to me and talk about anything to me. Matter of fact my husband and I have taken in about 5 friends of my daughters because they had problems with their parents. They stay here until they are ready to go back home. Some of the kids come back and some don't. We have an open door policy for my daughter's friends. We ask for no donations for food or shelter . We are just so happy that we kept them off the street.
I was also sexually abused as a child from the age of about 3 till age 12 or so. I think some of us become stronger people because of this and reach out to others. God Bless you for helping out your daughters friends. Sorry you don't have a relationship with your family but sometimes it's better to cut our losses ya know.
-Lauri B
I am considering weight loss surgery. I'm at a BMI of 37.5, but have blood pressure problems that are helping me get approved. The only thing that I am scared of is that I may sabatoge my weight loss, because I am scared of someone other than my husband being attracted to me. I know this stems from the sexual abuse that I went through at about the same age as you went through it. Have you had similar issues? How do you over come those issues? Lora