My baby is home
I posted this on the main board so will spare y'all the repost:,replies/board_id,4856/topic_id,2067847/cat_id,4456/a,messageboard/
I'm so relieved that went as well as it did. I realize we have a lot of work to do now, but I think he was probably thinking I just didn't care and was going to leave him there. He seemed genuinely relieved that I'd come after him - even if he'd never admit it.
I just finished your post on th mb. You did good! I would encourage you to find someone to come to the house and keep an eye on things and get to a meeting. It is only an hour well, figure two with travel. I am worried about you. You need something to refresh you. Now that he is back it will further zap your energy and you need all you can get. It will be a challenge every minute you interact for now. Hang on to your butt!