Dreams - is this what I've been missing?
I keep having dreams about my son (the one who is not in the house right now). It's driving me crazy. I dream of hugging him, I dream of when he was a boy, I dream that he is hurt/drowning and needs my help. I miss him so much
IN addition to that however, I am having some really BIZZARRE dreams! Check this one out:
I was pregnant - almost due actually - about 3 weeks to go. (this probably has to do with bri somehow - but my tubes are tied and I can't get preggers). I'd procrastinated and had NOTHING for the baby. I was upset because nobody had given me a baby shower.
Brian Sr (my ex) was telling me that his Latino friend at work had a plane he was remodeling and would make me a crib from the old plane seat. I went off on him..... So I went to walmart. In the infant section they only had ONE cradle and ONE carseat and neither were what I needed. The sales associate assigned to that area was a young n'er do well who just sat in the isle hiding from the security camera so he could loaf on the job. I got into an argument with somebody else who worked there because I'd brought my pink freezable mug full of water into walmart and he thought I was trying to steal it. I sorted that out and was getting in my car and then my best friend's son appeared telling me that the laundry was done and it was time to fold it.
So I went to Target where they had EVERY size bab y clothing except small/newborn. I was only able to buy like 3 onsies and some socks. THEN all of a sudden I was in the front seat of a Nissan 300 with another n'er do well - we stopped at "Mike's" house (which was the orderly from Dougie Howser) and he told the guy he was "BUSY" and to hit him back later (he had a girl there). Then we ended up with some super hero chick (at least I THINK she was a super hero chick cuz she was wearing this bathing suit looking thing that had a cape built into it and had a wild tattoo on her hip) in the backseat who showed me how to get the car to make vanilla crème cookies. Yes vanilla crème cookeies. You'd push a button and it would instantaneously (ala Jetsons) deliver cookies. We had to mess with the recipie a bit but finally got it.
I don't think I could have had as much fun drunk/stoned/high if I tried! I was like "WHOA" That's just one example. My subconscious is trying to sort thru many many feelings that I've supressed for so long. Needless to say I wake up not very rested.
The ambien doesn't really work for me. I mean I take it and it *DOES* knock me out pretty quickly but within 3 hours, I'm back to my waking up every 30 minutes until morning. I guess I'm going to have to talk to the doctor about that.
Anyhow, I was just curious if anybody else had some CRAZY dreams while in the early stages of recovery. Additionally - I'd like to NOT be haunted by dreams of my son - it causes me to wake every morning and burst into tears.
Did I mention how much I miss him?
love and hugs,
Oh Michelle of coarse you miss him! And I think you are right on the money about your dreams helping you sort thru the emotions of the last couple of weeks. It is my understanding that sleeping pills allow you to sleep but not necessarily the most restful sleep. Now, I am no expert. I worked mostly in pediatrics and at the health dept. I have not dealt with many of the newer drugs out on the market for adults.
You need sleep but you also have to acknowledge and deal with those very real feelings so I would gues your brain is trying to help you do that.
Many people I know have had using dreams after stopping mind altering substances. Do not be surprised if that happens. They say they wake up and think they really did use! I am blessed to not have had many of those. I did have a particularly strange one after watching the Jim Morrison movie. It was weird.
Talk to the Dr. a change of meds might help. I think you are doing great! All things considered you have been on a wild ride and stayed the coarse. Just keep putting one foot in front of the next.
Personally I was up until 4 am. I don't really know why.I was worried I would over sleep and not show up to chair the noon meeting. I am up and will be ready on time. I love to do that meeting. A lot of young women attend. That is really cool because 2 yr ago when I joined there were not a lot of women in the fellowship. I am going to the Florida NA convention in West Palm in a couple of weeks. It is the 25th and there will be speakers from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd convention speaking. That should be interesting. I am thinking about hosting a womans night here at the house after I return. I have a large house, swimming pool, hot tub and firepit. I was thinking it would be fun and a good way for us to connect. I may be clean but I still love a party!
I hope you have a great day,
oh my gosh MICHELLE.................you dont even KNOW the weird dreams I have been having!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was PG too!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and in labor but would go to the hospital, I kept trying to save all these all other people and animals..........I broke my water twice and still didnt go to the hospital.....I was climbing buildings and riding in teacups.......weird!!!
when I finally did go to the hospial the baby was coming out, THEN I WOKE up....
another dream was I had left my husband and was living with my 2 kids in a small little tiny apartment.............and my neighbor was Johnny Damon....formally of the REDSOX now of the YANKEES booooooo
Had big crush on him when he was a SOX....anyway in my dream he was my neighbor and I was making out with him........
Dreams are soooo weird.....
I had one last week last there was a huge flood and my sister (who I am not talking to now) and her baby were trapped under a rock and drowning and I had to save them.....
I read somewhere that our dreams are all ABOUT US, and everyone in the dream is really you.................so I wonder if Im really trying to save myself from drowning???
Anyway enough about me, but Michelle I am also having weird dreams!!! we are too much alike my friend!!!
OFF TOPIC but still kind of on TOPIC: Have any of you seen the movie " The Magdaline Sisters? Oh my gosh I watched it last night (instead of reading REDBOOK)
and the begining it has these ads for www.facetheissue.com
they are narrated by famous actresses........one is about domes abuse, alcoholism etc etc
anyway so I knew there was a reason for me to watch this movie............the girls in this movie have NOTHING and it made me think..........comaprd to them I HAVE EVERYHTING!!! WHY AM I SO WRETCHEDLY MISERABLE????? I did this morning feel thankful for everything I have..........
wow I sound manic right now, typing a mile a minute and rambling!!!
anyway if any of you have seen this movie Id love to hear what you think about it.......