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on 7/28/21 11:18 am
Topic: 18 years Post-op here.

Hello Guys.
I used to frequent theses pages back in 2003 and 04,
but long reached goal and got less and less from these forums.
BUT - I did want to pop by to encourage those just starting.
I had an RNY (at that time "the Gold Standard.)
I'm 6'1" -I was 380 to 390lbs depending on the day of the week :)
and lost down to 190 within the first year.
Now I bounce between 185 and 189 over the course of a month.
No problem maintaining that weight.
I started out being great to get in exercise,
But then slacked off over the years
till just walking a few miles a day now. (walking the dog)

Some tips-
Walk a lot. Drink plenty of water before, not during meals.
Follow your Dr's food directives like a Rabbi staying Kosher.

As you are months or a year out from surgery
and you find yourself able to eat more than before?
Start back at Day One Diet progress-
Clear Liquids (can shine a flashlight through it) Jell-O, broth and such.
Then Full Liquids (Cream soups and such)
Mushy Foods (Refried beans, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, etc)
Then Full Solids.
You'll find that your (Reduced Stomach Size- VSG, or pouch-RNY)
Has shrunk back down a good bit and you can get full
on the same small amount of food as when you started.

And Yes, for men, for about every 30lbs you lose,
you do in fact get about an extra 1/2" of usable, exposed hanging penis.
That is not just a myth. (If that's not a motivator, what is?):)

Statistically, Men tend to have far better long term outcomes than female patients.
Men also tend to have some issues with "Addiction Transfer."
(If you were a food addict before, beware gambling or drinking
After surgery.)
I swear I've seen at least 20 men on this forum back in the day
Who became alcoholics within the 2nd year post-op.
Avoid at all costs.

That's all of the things that come to mind quickly.
At 18yrs post-op, and still at target weight.
I have no issues with -
Diabetes (No Sign)
Blood Pressure issues (118 over 68)
Cholesterol (Total - 170, HDL High, LDL Low, Triglycerides 95)
Resting Pulse per minute - (54)
I would definitely do this again if in the same condition as 2003.
The Surgery saved my Life.

I may pop back by in a few days,
If you have random questions, ask here.

Have the Best!


on 7/26/21 4:11 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Weights good albeit a couple of pounds high, exercise is pretty good, overall I feel more lazy this Summer than last.

on 7/26/21 4:09 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

It's not a side effect from weight loss but probably cool since most guys lose hair as testosterone levels drop.

Don 1962
on 7/26/21 4:06 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

No change in body hair but at one time I would make a jackrabbit proud!

on 7/25/21 1:54 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

197.8 Last week
198.2 This week

The image in the first post reminded me of one of the strange side effects of losing weight. I have so much more body hair than I di as a big fella. It's kinda weird to go through second puberty at 50.

Hope all are well.

on 7/25/21 8:33 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 235.7
This Week 237.3

Not having a good summer so far in the weight and exercise department. Today is a new day!

Good week to all.

Don 1962
on 7/25/21 7:11 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

I think It's time for bariatric surgery - fat******* | Meme Generator

Last Week: 187.6

This Week: 186.8

Office still not relocated but downspout issues fixed.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Don 1962
on 7/18/21 2:24 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Enjoy the new puppy! We have a Yorkie and she is one Hell of a watch dog! Wife's dog in ATL and never been out to potty w/o being on a leash. She learned real quickly that here Mama may treat her like little Miss Priss but Daddy lets her be a dog! Still hates the Orkin man even after five years!

on 7/18/21 1:52 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last week 198.6

This week 197.8

Wife got a new puppy. He's about 8 weeks old and is half Yorkie, half Jack Russell terrier or unknown sneaky dog. He's a handful right now.

Been doing 60+ hours a week at work which together with the aftereffects of Covid has made things a bit of a grind. Our latest new guy hasn't quit yet so that's good. Our oldest hand is talking about moving on to a less physical job (he has an open invite to really good gig) which I can't blame him, slinging 6-8 tons of groceries a day beats you down. He can outwork 2 other guys so it'll be a loss for the company but I think it might be right for him.

Did reasonably well cutting back on carbs last week, still need to do better but I'll take an improvement.

Don 1962
on 7/18/21 8:15 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Office Moving Day Meme

Last week: 188.0

This week: 187.6

Looking at last week and saw a typo. Wish I wa****ting 180 again!

Our little City Hall is moving to new digs a block to the North of our current location. Current location and the four dilapidated buildings closest to it are meeting a track loader and coming down. Means we have to be out but August 15th. Current location is an old bank building built in 1930. Guess who was tasked with getting the two vault doors and two ball coin safes auctioned off by then? While I'm at it likely to thrown in some other crap we need to rehome too. Hoping to be able to move file cabinets as is but afraid they will have to be emptied first. Going to be a pain in the ass. Remodeling is not finished on where we are going yet either. City Hall itself will get two suites in the strip center and we'll have one. Going to be a pain in the ass.

Speaking of which have to work on a downspout and the French drain it empties into.

Have a Great Week, ye bearers of the prostate!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

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