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Exercise has been great - I'm a stud, eating has been terrible - I'm a serious turkey. Such is the irony of life.
My daughter headed to Europe for school at age 17 and now it's 11 years later and she's still living there and loving it. We miss her at home but as parents your job is to let them flourish even though it's hard to let go.
The lights have dimmed but still burning.
Brian will pop in from time to time but that is about it from the "old days".
Be a challenging, learning, life experience for her too. Wife had niece who taught in China while her husband was working there for 18-24 months. Happiest day she had was when they got a washing machine for their apartment.
Last week 198.2
This week 198.2
Just enduring the dog days of summer. Need to do some work on the car but was a mouse potato all weekend.
Oldest daughter is heading to Korea for a one year teaching contract so she moved out of her apartment last weekend and is crashing at our place. Will be sad to see her go but she's ready for a change.
Just dropping by
to see if any of the old gang
still msg here.
Looks like you're keeping the lights on here Don.
Best Wishes- DxE
DxE! DxE is in the HOUSE!!
Post back more often amigo!! Missing you words of wit and wisdom here!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!