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on 9/12/21 1:37 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last week 196.2

This week 196.8

Still on the merry go round at work. 13ish hours a day every day (and usually a call or two during my off hours) wears you down. The hope is that in the next month or so they'll be able to staff up enough for things to go back to normal-ish.

Mostly just collapsing on weekends. Did give the yard a quick trim this weekend so I wasn't a total lump.

Also paid for another set of labs. Not sure if I'll have the blood drawn for those this Friday or wait till next (have to fast 1`2 hours then I'm usually not fully functional until a I've had a meal and a couple hours for it to settle after so it's a big spanner to throw into one of my two days off).

Oldest daughter is adapting well to Korea. She's still getting in the swing of things but seems to be finding her stride. She's gotten to do some sightseeing there which is neat. Oldest son is putting in a fair number of hours at his job and trying to stay sane.

I hope all are well. I know our hospitals are getting crushed right now so be careful out there (don't know if anyone else remembers Hill Street Blues).

Don 1962
on 9/12/21 7:19 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Abby Langer, R.D. Latest Articles | SELF

Last week: 186.6

This week: 186.2

New scales are on the shopping list for today. Despite changing batteries they were still wonky before they quit working this morning.

Work interfered with exercise time this week. Only one time rowing and only did push mowing yesterday.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Don 1962
on 9/6/21 7:12 am
Topic: RE: Labor Day Sunday Weigh In

Last week: 187.0

This week: 186.6

Thanks for pick up the ball, Bob! Speaking of picking up the ball - MSU won in the largest fourth quarter deficit recovery in school history, 20 points, and with :02 seconds left deflected the potential game winning field goal and won by one point! 35-34!

Enjoying being off on a Monday holiday. Normally get hung working them but reminded my Chief that 1. I am on salary. 2. I'm entitled to being off on Holidays and 3. By Golly I was taking this one off! Yard did not grow enough to fool with this week so I staying in the air condition. Only things on the agenda today is to empty the P.O. Box(s), put gas in the riding mower so I can fill up all the cans this week and put my car way till I need it again.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 9/6/21 12:11 am
Topic: RE: Labor Day Sunday Weigh In

Plus a pound or two, but still within normal range.

Eating includes a number of poor choices, exercise is decent, mental health could use some stress reduction. I'm looking to change up my routine but have to admit that post wls I have to be careful about deviating too much from normal routines, or bathrooms.

on 9/5/21 1:49 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Labor Day Sunday Weigh In

Last week 199

This week 196.2

In survival mode right now, still doing 65+ hours a week at work. Hope all are well and staying safe.

on 9/5/21 10:43 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: Labor Day Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 238.7
This Week 236.7

Don is much better at the memes :-)

A move in the right direction! Probably close up the pool this week. It was a wet and bad year for swimming this year. I'm looking forward to pass some time canning this fall. The Mrs. wants to try her hand at if as another thing to keep her occupied now that we are empty nesters. It's bee 30 years since it has just been the two if us.

Good week to all!

on 8/29/21 2:04 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last week: 197

This Week: 199

Hope all are doing well and staying safe.

Don 1962
on 8/29/21 10:06 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Probably good ol' Wally World.

Wanted to call BS on mine but it showed up three times so it counts!

on 8/29/21 9:31 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 234.7
This Week 238.7

What the hell is this? Good week of watching what I eat and this is what the scale shows. Don, where did you buy your scale :-)

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 8/29/21 8:16 am, edited 8/29/21 8:17 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In


Last Week: 187.0

This Week: 185.8

Not quite 3 pounds but I'll take it! Exercise good and did yard yesterday. Thought to myself may not be on the final count down for this year but the majority of yardwork season is behind me not in front. We've had enough rain that I haven't had to water. Went to turn on the well I use to water and sure enough have busted pipes in the well house/box. Probably been that way since February.

Looks like Louisiana/Mississippi are in for a rough week. 16 years after Katrina. Fingers crossed improvements will work and pumps/levees don't fail in New Orleans.

SEC football starts Saturday and again weather permitting we're spending Labor Day Weekend in Starkville, MS! Go DAWGS!! Needless to say need a lead off man for next week here.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

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