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on 7/10/22 8:34 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

159ish last week, 161ish this week - No concerns, just a dump waiting to happen.

"You're gonna need a bigger mower" was the last thing I heard before caving in to having a landscaper cut my lawn. I actually enjoy it but I'd need to invest a few grand in a suitable mower and so it's easier to have someone do it for now. I have my hands full walking multiple dogs.

on 7/10/22 1:29 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last week 198
This week 198.4

Had a 16+ hour day on Friday(and long Thursday as well) so didn't do much this weekend. Wife's making pretty good progress with her garden. Hopefully next weekend I can get the grass. It isn't too bad yet, but imagine with the rain we recently had it'll probably grow some this week.

Don 1962
on 7/10/22 6:39 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Dr.Now#howyalldoin | Dr. now, 600 pound life, Dr nowzaradan

Last week: 192.4

This week: 192.4

Made "executive decision" yesterday that the only yard work this weekend is trimming the one tree that blocks our view coming out of the driveway. Again no rain = no grass. Not enough inside fence worth the gas to mow it this week and it even gets watered!

Have a Great Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 7/3/22 1:50 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: July 4th Sunday Weigh In

Last week 197.2

This week 198.0

Not much new, still doing the summer grind. We got some rain this weekend and are supposed to get more this week, which good for the garden, but which will also unfortunately get the grass going again.

on 7/3/22 6:58 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: July 4th Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 235.8
This Week 237.3

I's been dry here also, so no lawn mowing needed. Having some family and friends over for a cookout today to celebrate Independence Day and the new patio and gazebo.

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 7/3/22 6:28 am
Topic: July 4th Sunday Weigh In

Pressroom | FOURTH OF JULY 2021 AUDIO

Last week: 192.0

This week: 192.4

Happy 246th Birthday America!! Get the honors of working tomorrow. Fingers crossed it will be slow enough I can get some paperwork done!

No rain = no grass = no yardwork except closest to the house inside the fence where it is watered. Dry enough for the Counties that I live and work in to put on "burn bans". County Judge where I work has put the nix on any nonprofessionally done fireworks in the unincorporated parts of the county. Can't even sell them. Incorporated areas, like mine, have their own ways to deal with things. Unfortunately, where I live, they can still be discharged. Wonderful. Dogs will be on a full load of doggie anti-anxiety med tomorrow night. Hopefully none of the pastures catch fire from some yahoo doing them out of a car window going down the highway.

Have a Great "short" Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 6/28/22 10:24 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

It's a lot more work than I expected. My puppy has the strength of a linebacker and the maturity of a 4th grader. Not a great combo but hopefully it will only last a another 6 months or so.

Don 1962
on 6/27/22 3:29 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Doing "doggie granddaddy" duty. You got your hands full.

on 6/26/22 9:34 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

I'm on the low end of my weight band which is between 159 and 167lbs. It's become normal that I'm on the low range in the early Summer and high range in the dead of Winter. I'm managing a house load of dogs while I watch my very large and strong puppy along with my daughters dogs. It's more harrowing than I thought it would be.

Work completely sucks at the moment, so the dogs are someone of a balance to the normal business grind.

Have a great week!

Don 1962
on 6/26/22 4:20 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

We are only shopping for two adults, and we have certain places we can only get certain things from. SF Reese's miniature cups only at Walmart. Snack cheese comes from Target or H-E-B.

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