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Don 1962
on 9/26/22 3:44 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

We hate him too!

Don 1962
on 9/26/22 3:42 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh in

Last week: 193.6

This week: 194.6 (Monday)

Too much "road kill" this weekend with trip to MS for football game over weekend. 45-14 win over Bowling Green so game good. Got to LA information center on Interstate and stopped to take whiz and went to get my after supper meds out and realized Two hours back home and the bag with meds was where I left it on bed. Saved me money not being able to play cards but made for a long ass Friday. Did save too on not paying for second night in Columbus since it was a day game. Stopped in Vicksburg, MS Saturday on way home. Cowboys and Giants tonight if I can stay up past 8:00! Back to work this morning.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 9/25/22 1:49 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: Sunday Weigh in

Last week 195.8

This week 197.6

Actually not too bad of a week. Had a long Monday and a SNAFU later in the week but otherwise work was fairly normal. Wife made ribs today so I had a couple for breakfast. They were pretty tasty.

on 9/23/22 12:02 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

It's not the Cowboys we hate, it's Jerry Jones. Without Zak I think the Cowboys will be challenged but hopefully a good game regardless. I'll be curious to see if the Giants are for real with the new coach this season, and Monday will say a lot about that.

on 9/19/22 1:13 pm
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 238.1
This Week 236.8

I had my garage floor and driveway replaced over the last week and a half. What a mess from dirt and dust. Finally done and looking forward to starting from scratch to get it organized. Going overnight camping with my brother and sister midweek in Amish country. Looking forward to a work week break, the company, country and good eats!

Good week to all

Don 1962
on 9/19/22 3:24 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

That was a good day in NY sports to have all four teams to win. We are going to have to agree to disagree next Monday night since the Cowboys will be the Meadowlands.

on 9/18/22 11:02 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Up +3lbs this week but no issue, as I recovered from Covid and feel much better. Activity is pretty decent for an old guy, and food is ok.

New York had it's best sports day in a decade as the Jets, Giants, Yankees, and Mets all won and the games were all good, especially the Jets beating Cleveland in an impossible come from behind win with 90 seconds left.

on 9/18/22 1:57 pm
DS on 12/18/18
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last week 197.4

This week 195.8

Had a rough start and end to the week but the majority of it wasn't bad. Cooked up a couple of steaks for the crew last night. It wasn't Texas Roadhouse but it was decent eating.

I was a slug and skipped cutting the grass this weekend. It isn't bad but it is definitely have to get cut next weekend. With the days getting shorter I have a much smaller window of time to get moving before it gets dark.

Don 1962
on 9/18/22 6:39 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

It's happened to me... - meme

Last week: 192.0

This week: 193.6

Too much grazing!

That would be BAD!!

LSU came back to beat MSU yesterday. We started beating ourselves and they finished the job. Today Bengals and Cowboys play first game post Dak thumb injury and surgery.

Rowing and mowing were back on track this week.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Don 1962
on 9/11/22 5:22 pm
Topic: RE: Patriot Day Sunday Weigh In

Thanks for holding down the fort last week.

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