Recent Posts
LW 168, This week 161.8
Lost excess weight I was carrying. It's a weird part of post wls. I periodically gain then at some point it drops back off.
Works busy but fine. Looking forward to Jets winning the Superbowl, but I've been thinking that every fall for past 50+ years. NY fans still have hope this year.
Have a great week!
Last week: 195.4
This week: 197.2
Staying inside and grazing too much. I'll own it.
Football road trips start this weekend!
Have a Great Week and enjoy Labor Day weekend next week!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
I'm in the frying pan at work everyday but hopefully it cools down soon. My weight is higher with higher workload and less exercise with poor eating decisions.
Overall it's not a fun phase at the moment.
Last Week 225.3
This Week 226.4
Nothing new. Just checking in. It is going to be a pool and grill day.
Good week to all!
Last week: 195.0
This week: 195.4
Another week of 100+ degrees days. Lack of rain and life interference meant little yard work or rowing got done.
First full week of retirement in the book. Not shaving and have all kinds of white hair protruding from my face! Got shot down on job I interviewed for day I retired. Not disappointed in that either. Gut feeling is that it would be a "frying pan into the fire" job.
Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Y'all get tired of the rain send it down here! Getting cracks in the ground.
Last Week 225.3
This Week 225.3
Don, congrats again on your retirement!
Nothing new here. Rain gauge show over 5" since Friday. The lawn is one soggy mess, but got it mowed yesterday. I found that zero turns slip a lot in wet grass. :-)
Taking off today to visit an alpaca farm with the family. No rain in the forcast for today, but I am expecting a soggy, alpaca poop fun filled day.
Good week to all!
Weights a few pounds higher than a year ago, mostly from over-snacking. Exercise has been respectable though so eventually I should get back to equilibrium weight.
Work requires a lot of thinking and creative ideas, so that part is good. The hard part is it's mentally tiring, but still cool to do.
@Don1962, you might want to consider something outside law enforcement. You have a chance to reinvent yourself in a new role, and you can afford to take some chances, so why not?
Happy Sunday!
Last week: 195.0
This week: 195.0
Three weeks in a row so no complaints about scales. Wish the 195 was on our electricity bill and not the $400+ that is! Trying to keep house cool is expensive! Going to be collecting aluminum cans soon.
Retired life has begone! Made one night trip to Shreveport Friday. No W2-G's but getting gone had own benefits. Had interview Thursday afternoon. Hurry up and wait to see if anything comes of it. Because of Uvalde if you can walk and chew gum at the same time - school districts are snatching every officer/armed security guard they can.
Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!