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on 10/1/23 8:56 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 220.7
This Week 219.2

Full day of yardwork yesterday. Beautiful weather forecasted for the week. Thursday I made my bi-annual batch of sauerkraut, about 40 lbs. Should be ready by the beginning of November. Delicious stuff, but can be a colon cleaner :-)

I like this time of year, but not looking forward to Winter.

Good week to all!

on 9/27/23 10:24 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

The pup is good, and back to chewing the furniture and chasing squirrels and deer around.

Don 1962
on 9/25/23 4:05 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Hope the puppy is doing better today.

on 9/24/23 10:26 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Up 4 lbs for no reason today.

Exercise has been off a little as it's been rainy as hell. My pup was in ER earlier today after chewing and swallowing inexplicable things again. Jet's are also inexplicable in sticking with a QB that can't throw a pass, and extending their record of losing to Patriots for 8 years in a row.

Otherwise all good. Have a great week guys.

Don 1962
on 9/24/23 2:05 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Bleach? Carpet cleaner? Wire brush?

on 9/24/23 7:30 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 222.0
This Week 220.7

Missed last weeks weigh-in as wife and I went to Niagara Falls for her birthday. It is pretty impressive!

Got a lot of yardwork done yesterday. Got the pool closed up for the season.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to remove rust stains off of relatively new (one year old) concrete? I googled it and tried vinegar with no success. I really don't want to use commercial acid based cleaner if I don't have too.

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 9/24/23 7:11 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Last week: 197.6

This week: 197.2

Managed to get yard done in full earlier this week. Looked good but I knew had over done it.

State dropped to S. Carolina yesterday but it took all four quarters. Bama in Starkville this Saturday after beating Ol' **** in Tuscaloosa yesterday. Colorado ran into a buzz saw in Eugene, OR. Arkansas made LSU WORK for the win. Ohio squeaked past ND.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 9/18/23 9:20 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In (Sept 16th)

I think Alabama is toast this year. It would be nice to see someone other than power 5 win it.

Glad your back feels better. I always take things like that for granted until it's a problem.

Don 1962
on 9/18/23 9:38 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In (Sept 16th)

Last week: 199.8

This week: 197.6

Sorry about your Jets considering who they played Sunday.

Lasted to end of 3rd quarter Saturday. Getting ass beat and Mrs. fussing about getting hot sitting out in sun. Next home game is in two weeks hosting the "neighbors" (Alabama). Fingers crossed it will not be an 11:00 kickoff. Tried staying up to watch Colorado and Colorado State after getting to third stop of "rock and roll" weekend, three hotels in three nights, not happening.

Back getting better but real test will come when I try riding mower. 1.5" of rain this past weekend making it all grow. At least it is somewhat cooler. Today "catch up" day. Laundry, bills, go get the doggos etc.......

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 9/17/23 9:07 pm, edited 9/17/23 9:09 pm
Topic: Sunday Weigh In (Sept 16th)

My weight is about the same as last week

Exercise is good, and eating is always a challenge but I get a lot of help from the Sadi DS 9 years ago which is still making me pay for eating too much fat and too many carbs, but luckily jettisons any excess after torturing me with gas and bloating for a few hours.

It was a crazy college football week. I stayed up till 2:30am est to watch Deons' Colorado Buffaloes but had a lot of newfound respect for Colorado State afterward. Unfortunately my Jets are back to their losing ways.

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