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OOPS, I haven't had any problems with Explosive diarrhea... at least on at this point. I realize after I sent it, my comment was pretty vague. Specifically, what I was asking is does anyone have any experience taking levitra early post surgery? Is there any reason to think it may pose a problem?
I have the Rx because of mild Erectile Dysfunction due to my blood pressure medication and type 2 diabetes. i am hoping the surgery will reverse the effects of those conditions. already off Insulin and had my metformin reduced. My blood sugars are averaging about 97 to 105 and hoping to be done with the Metformin at my next doctor visit. The still have me on losartan for BP, but i think that will be gong away soon too. I have my one week post op today and will ask my doctor. I haven't tried to have sex yet, still a little sore, but was asking more as a curiosity.

337.6: High weight Dec '13
311.3: Surgery day 1/16/14
191.8: 1st Surgiversary
199.2: 2nd Surgiversary
201.6: 3rd Surgiversary
202.6: Last Weigh in
202.8: CW
Food: Not Bad
Water: A+
Vitamins: A
Exercise: A
Living proof you can't outrun a bad diet. Last week I rode 100 miles in a day. This week I rode 75 miles on Saturday, followed by another 75 miles on Sunday. There were 4000 riders this past weekend raising money (about $3million) for MS.
Even after all this riding, my weight is rock solid. I burned over 3000 calories both weekends, so why didn't my weight change. My thoughts:
1) I drank a lot of calories in Gatoraid trying to avoid cramps and to keep my energy up
2) The ride this weekend was powered by PB&J from volunteers at the various rest stops. While I was mindful (ie upset stomach from all the cycling) it was still a lot of carbs.
These past two weekends were HUGE NSV's for me. Doing these events would have so far out of the ballpark before surgery, and even after a couple years post op. I'm glad I did them, I raised money for some good causes, and proved to myself that we we can do anything we set our minds to even if it seems impossible or too daunting.
- Welcome to the Men's Board.
- Depending on why you are taking the ED meds, for example counter the side effect of HBP meds, you may find as you lose weight and don't need the HBP meds any more you won't need the ED meds either.
Around these parts "ED" has two meanings. The first meaning is like you mean and the second is for "Explosive Diarrhea"!
Last Week-227
Steady she goes
Have a happy healthy week!

Yours in WLS Journey,
Bill Mac
I am 5 days post op RNY and things are going pretty well. Anyone have any experience with taking ED medication post op? I plan on talking to my doctor next week, but just like to get others perspectives.

High weight (June 2011): 328
Pre surgery weight (2/1/17): 283
M1: -32.5 M2: -11.9 M3: -16.4 M4: -12.6
Last week: 207.4
This week: 204.0
Pretty happy with this week's progress! Was good with eating and exercise. I can feel a gout attack coming on in my right toe though, so not sure what next week will bring. I received my green belt on Saturday after testing and passing in tae kwon do - that will knock my activity level up when I go to classes.
I'm also near some big milestones. My lowest adult weight was 202 (that was about 20 years ago), and I'm on the cusp of breaking that... And, of course, getting very near dropping below 200. Hoping to get there by the end of the month!!
Have a great week

290 High weight July 2016
214.8 Last week
211.4 Today
Food: B
Water: A
Vitamins: A
Exercise: D
Pleasantly surprised this morning. I weighed a pound less than yesterday morning, which was the weight I was going to use today because of a party attended.. Yesterday we went to a friends "Grillfest" (It was called Meatfest, but was changed due to a few wives *****ing) where basically the three food groups were represented. Beef, chicken, and pork :-) I ate good, slow, and the sleeve did its job. My eyes sure were hungry but I kept to small pieces slowly. Also drank a lot of diet lemon aide. OK, I did have a JD and Diet coke later in the evening. Had to tip one with a long time buddy who is a cop in memory of Adam West. . He was inspired by Batman for his career choice. Monday nights my daughter and I go to his house to watch Gotham, and also an episode of the 60's Batman he has on Blue Ray.
Sorry, a little chatty this morning. It's a beautiful day here near Cleveland. I can't wait to get outside.
Have a great week.
Last week - 183.4
This week - 183.8
Mouth is feeling much better from dental work last week.
Work schedule is straight days this week. Maybe, just maybe, it will stay that way. New guy is fast learner and coming along fine but like with any newbie to any profession he has A LOT to learn!
With schedule settling back down fingers crossed can get exercise routine back on track. Have another issue at work. Eating. Was a two restaurant town not counting the stand alone taco shop, gas station hot dogs/fried chicken and a pizza place. The primary restaurant that offered main line diner type food that gave a greater choice of meals changed hands then abruptly closed after two weeks. Leaves only the Mexican food place or pizza place as options, lest I forget the doughnut shop. All heavy in carbs and I don't do pizza and or doughnuts. I have had better chicken alfredo in a "Dude Food". (Hormel Complete Eat) After four meals this week at the Mexican food place had their fried catfish Friday at lunch. No bueno! Guess I'll be brown bagging it or making sure I have a stash of protein bars in the file cabinet.
Y'all have a Great Week!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Has anyone done dip after surgery? If so, are you experiencing headaches?
18 months ago, my brother had bypass surgery. Currently having vertigo and migraine like every day headaches since August or September of last year. He has used dip for 20 years. He has increased usage this llast year to 2+ cans a day and it has been suggested his headaches and associated symptoms are from nicotine poisoning.
Please respond if you have any information relevant to this.
These are the facts.