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on 6/25/17 3:35 pm
VSG on 02/01/17
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

High weight (June 2011): 328

Pre surgery weight (2/1/17): 283

M1: -32.5 M2: -11.9 M3: -16.4 M4: -12.6

Two weeks ago: 204.0

This week: 199.4

Didn't post last week as I was in Hawaii on vacation with my wife and kids. Had an amazing trip, but, diet wasn't exactly what it should have been. And I had a couple ****tails. Wow, did I pay for it. I think I had an episode of late dumping (or maybe it was RH?) at a luau - I had two mai tais before dinner (they were very weak, but I felt them). Then about 2 hours later during the show, out of nowhere I felt very lightheaded, dizzy, and started sweating profusely. The episode lasted about 15-20 minutes. It was extremely hot and humid that night also, I'm sure that didn't help. Freaked me out a little bit. A reminder of what I need to not do. Those also weren't the only inappropriate things I consumed during the week either.

So I was surprised to come back and find that I had lost 1.5 lbs during the week of the trip. We did have many physical activities, so I'm sure that helped. Ziplining, snorkeling, hiking, couple trips to the hotel gym. Plenty of walking also.

After coming back, hit some major milestones earlier this week - I crossed below my lowest adult weight of 202 (that was 20 years ago), and I broke the 200 barrier. Since I'm less than 5 months out, I opted to reassess my initial weight goal of 199 and change it to 184 (which would put me at a BMI of 25). Gotta keep going, too soon to stop losing I figure.

Have a great week

on 6/25/17 2:20 pm, edited 6/26/17 9:42 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Highest about 300

Day of surgery 272

Lowest 187

Goal was (is) 190

Today 201.5

Crazy things (literally) are happening to me. When I sleep well, I will work hard and exercise hard. I have been eating right for the most part. Over the past month or so I've lost about 10 pounds...It almost scares me. I have insomnia and have been trying to get off (by lowering my Benzodiazepine/Xanax...Slowly). This has cause me to average about 5-6 hours of sleep over the last few weeks. I've cut back on many drugs for sleep. Not being hungry, I need to force myself to eat and drink.

Also as you get older, it is more common for people to struggle with sleep issues. Two months ago my heart and lipid panel were fine. Anyways...I'm not trying to lose but am doing it. I do the hard work/exercise for my sleep issues. But it also helps with the weight loss. Go figure...

on 6/25/17 8:32 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

290 High weight July 2016
212.1 Last week
207.3 Today

Lots of yard work yesterday and not much eating or drinking. So I'm thinking a good part of the drop is water weight, and hoping that it is the end of a stall. But I'll take it. Getting under 209 puts me in the "overweight" catagory and that was one of my goals. Next goal is to get under 200.

Have a great week everyone

Don 1962
on 6/25/17 8:26 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Last week - 183.6

This week - 183.0

Good and bad this week.

Good: 5 mile treadmill time is down to 72:30 as of Friday. Trying to get it below 70:00 by end of the year.

Bad: Had to let out my outer duty belt a bit. Was getting too snug. Haven't had to get new pants yet but after almost 7 years of wearing them it may be time. Came to conclusion my casual shirts, pullovers, needs an up sizing. Pinching in the arm pits. Things happen.

Have a Great Week!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 6/25/17 6:29 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Mechanic (metal) help...

100 degrees probably wont affect the plastic. If it still coils, try a hair dryer or a heat gun, being careful to not melt the plastic.

I bought a used Trek in the Spring. Nice bike. I need to get a lock for it also.

on 6/24/17 1:38 pm
Topic: RE: Mechanic (metal) help...

It's over 100 degrees in my garage (CA)...Is that good enough??

on 6/24/17 1:01 pm
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Mechanic (metal) help...

I would try putting it in a pot of boiling water for a minute to relax the plastic coating and then hang it with a weight. Or hit it with a hair dryer while it is hanging.

on 6/23/17 4:38 pm
Topic: RE: Mechanic (metal) help...

Done and done!! Started with one brick...May put on another tomorrow...

on 6/23/17 4:06 pm
Topic: RE: Mechanic (metal) help...

Qa...Think of 40-50 pounds just trying and unwrap it!! Then you have to hold that pressure while you try and wrap it around something!!

Don 1962
on 6/23/17 4:04 pm, edited 6/23/17 9:04 am
Topic: RE: Mechanic (metal) help...

Being the quasi good redneck that I am my first thought involved heating it up with a cutting torch but you want to keep that pesky plastic!! Next idea, and I don't know how well it would work, but find any thing you can hang it from. Like an engine hoist, bottom cross piece on a pole barn "A" frame - a sturdy tree limb would work. Open lock, string some weights on it, 50-150 pounds worth, and close it around one of the items above. Let it hang overnight, at least, and see if that straightens it out any. You get the idea.

ETA: If you have a stand up "tractor jack" open the lock up to where it would circle around the bottom of the jack and the upper piece. Put some tension to it using the jack and let it sit awhile. If your lock breaks you know it was a POS to begin with!

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