Recent Posts
Last week: 187.0
This week: 187.6

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Highest 300
Day of surgery 272
Hit goal (6 months 10 day) 190
Lowest 187
Highest regain about 235-237
Last week 196-197
Again for my sleep issues, I have cut my sugar and simple carbs by less than half for the last 2+ months. When I started this I was about 207-209. Just cutting back on the simple carbs and getting some exercise/work will cause the weight loss. Being retired allows me to be more flexible in doing this. If I were on the run (tons of work) I would be grabbing the donuts and junk to keep the blood sugar level up to keep running. Also getting 6-8 hours of sleep at night helps with the burning of the calories and weight loss. Brian
207.2 Last week
202.5 Today
Food: A
Water: A
Vitamins: A
Exercise: D
Happy to see the loss. The scale is not my home one so there can be a variance, but I am pleased.
Have a good week everyone.
337.6: High weight Dec '13
311.3: Surgery day 1/16/14
191.8: 1st Surgiversary
199.2: 2nd Surgiversary
201.6: 3rd Surgiversary
205.0: Last Weigh in
205.4: CW
Food: B
Water: B-
Vitamins: B
Exercise: D
My life is like a Cat 3 hurricane right now. I ate out 19 of 21 meals, and I don't see that getting better for the next 9 months. All it will take is some personal strife and some work pressure to get to a Cat 5. I'm holding my own for now, and my wife is being very supportive. Hopefully after labor day I can start being home both Saturday and Sunday so I can be a weekend warrior of sorts to get my exercise in. In the meantime, I'm eating mindfully and getting activity where I can. Vitamins are good for the most part.
Have a great week
I don't think there is a standard. As you said, we're all different. I think you're GW is very reasonable.
BTW- Welcome to the club, and best wishes for a successful surgery.
on 8/19/17 4:21 pm
hey all..
44 yrs old .Sept 1st is the big there a approx amount I can expect to lose per month..I'm 327 and setting my gw of 195..
just wondered if there is a average or anything ..
I know everyone is different ...but thought u would ask
I'm 8 months out and I had VSG. My typical workweek meal schedule looks like:
B: protein shake (or cottage cheese)
L: (at work:) 2 oz chicken with broccoli slaw, riced cauliflower, and a low calorie dressing (working from home:) tofu/chicken stir fry
S: protein shake (or jerky)
D: a protein and some vegetables... like chicken or meatballs or steak or hamburger, with green beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, peas, beans, etc.
On the weekend there's more variety since I'm eating with my spouse for all meals. I do well during the week because I'm perfectly content to have a regimented diet at work.

"Friends are like flowers; no matter how well you pick them, they all eventually die."
Sorry got busy...Having people put down new laminate floors...Moving tons of stuff. Also had the car detailed...Got out the Pepsi and chocolate stains out!!
Highest 300
Day of surgery 272
Hit goal (6 months 10 day) 190
Lowest 187
Highest regain about 235-237
Yesterday and today 196-197
Have a great rest of your week...