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Don 1962
on 11/26/17 8:48 am
Topic: Post Thanksgiving weigh-in

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Last week: 190.2

This week: 189.2

I can live with that. Feeling all the ass time driving since Wednesday. Glad we came home yesterday. Traffic was bad enough but not like it will be today.

Couple of notes here. M-State lost to Ol' Miss in a heart breaker especially after our QB got his leg broke in first quarter. Too little to late in 4th quarter to pull it out. Will admit we left when score was 24-6 at end of 3rd. One it looked hopeless, two we were freezing our asses off and thirdly the "three stooges" broadcasting team sitting behind us would not shut the Hell up! Other games Auburn humbled Alabama and LSU beat A&M.

Was in the hotel parking lot after the game and I looked at my FB on the phone and saw where a DPS Trooper was killed on I-45 during a traffic stop. I did not know the man but it happened in the county that adjoins the county my little town is in to the South. Just put the kibosh on whole weekend. Feeling sad about loosing a football game but calling my Chief and getting the details on Trooper made me sick. Thanksgiving Day will never be "thankful" for his wife and three kids. The mourning bands will come out of the drawers they are kept in and go on the badges till after funeral on Friday. Good thing is shooter was apprehended outside of Houston.

Have a Great Week!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Don 1962
on 11/26/17 8:12 am, edited 11/26/17 12:13 am
Topic: RE: Just Met with Surgeon, many questions

Howdy from E. TX!

1. Clothing sizes drop quickly. I went from 52/54's to 34/36's. XXL - Med/Lrg. Depending on the fit. Unfortunately seeing some regain making things snug.

2. Excess skin is the trade off for better health. It can be hidden with the help with compression garments but otherwise plastics are only true option. Personally I "deflated well" according to one plastic surgeon I consulted with so I just live with it.

3. Sex life for the majority improves but can go other way too. Can get so horny at times a knot hole in a fence is tempting. You are spot on about the more exposure thing. Like to use analogy of a fence post in ground and pulling the dirt back exposing more wood/steel. As to your partner s/he, you did not specify, may notice you are "going where no one has gone before".

4. Biotin, OTC at store, helps with hair, nails and skin quality and to some degree quantity. You'll notice some thinning but more protein in diet and the biotin slows the loss.

Get ready for one HELL of a ride! Not are you going through changes physically but psychologically and emotionally as well. It can, and likely will be, a MAJOR head ******o shame in your game to get professional help if it gets to be too much. My best advise for a newbie is in my signature line!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 11/26/17 5:12 am
RNY on 06/01/18
Topic: RE: Just Met with Surgeon, many questions

You were about where I am, and about where I want to go. You look great. Thank you for all the answers. It was very helpful. NOt worried about cheating, more her comfort. Encouraging about the excess skin. I don't think I would do the surgery. My current wife is my last wife ;) and she loves me unconditionally. I guess that is more of a confidence thing.

I work a 4 day week was thinking 4 pants, 4 shirts, and 1 or 2 weekend outfits. But maybe I'll go down to 2 pants.

Thanks again, much appreciated.

(deactivated member)
on 11/26/17 4:25 am, edited 11/25/17 9:36 pm
VSG on 10/11/16
Topic: RE: Just Met with Surgeon, many questions

James, I will number my answers to correspond to your questions. I am almost 14 months post op, and have lost 204 lbs so far.

1) Clothes. I am sort of blue collar, in that I run my own business building stuff. I had a stack of old clothes I outgrew and thought they would last me through the winter last year. They did not. I went through quite a few sizes, from a 60 in pants down to currently 42. To solve the problem, I bought two pair of pants and did more laundry. Well, someone did more laundry. I will address that in another answer.

2) Depending on how much weight you lose and where it comes off, you are going to have excess skin. For me it was not real bad, and I am 59, so a little wrinkly isn't unexpected anyway. But excess skin is a fact of life. Skin removal surgery is available to some eventually, but it is a lot of work and a lot of money from everything I read.

3) Sex drive is even better, and it was good before. Some things are easier. We will be married 34 years in a couple months, and have a very good relationship, so there were no problems in that area at all. Each couple is different though. I am not sure how someone would not like it, unless she is afraid you are going to start fooling around on the side. That is a different issue though.

4) I already lost most of my hair off my head. I have not experienced any other hair loss anywhere else, although my beard seems to grow more slowly these days. That might be from old age creeping up on me too. I don't know. Everyone is different. I don't think you are going to lose the hair on your back though, if that is what you are hoping.

Overall, the results have been way more positive than negative. I have lots more energy, I get lots more done (most of the time) and the negatives have been very few. Probably the biggest one for me is being cold more often.

Oh yeah, the laundry thing. We have been married a long time, and my wife is extremely supportive of this, so much so that she has modified her own diet substantially to match up with mine in many ways. She still eats a few things I can't or won't, but I do not begrudge her that in the slightest. She was willing to do more laundry (i.e. more frequently) in order to not have to spend extra money on clothes I would not be wearing for a long time.

Every time I hit a new pants size, we would go buy two more pair of pants. I do not know where you are physically or philosophically, but one of the things that really helped me extend the life of a pair of pants was this. I carry a sidearm everywhere it is legal. When I started with a new waist size, I would use my outside the waistband holster. As the pants got looser, I would switch to inside the waistband, first with a single stack and then with a double stack .45 ACP. Some folks are fine with that, and some think it is horrible. I don't give a rat's rear end. It worked great, and continues to work great.

Shirts are a little easier to make last longer, depending on how tight you need or want your collar to be. If you wear a tie all the time, it may be an issue for you depending on how much weight you lose around your neck. We also bought less expensive but still new clothing, since it did not have to last as long. Finding my size in a lot of things is still problematic. I am down to almost no weight left to lose, and still weigh 277 lbs. I am about 280 in the picture below.

on 11/25/17 8:58 am
RNY on 06/01/18
Topic: Just Met with Surgeon, many questions


My name is James and I am 45 y/o. I finally concluded surgery is my best option. I was stubborn about it since I considered it the "easy way out..." Well 10 years later I'm more over weight and scheduled to have surgery in June of 2018. I have some questions.

1) Clothes. During the first year or before reaching goal weight how often did your clothes size change? How did you handle this? I am a white collar professional if you will, and expected to have a certain look. Real concerned about the cost that could come up. FYI the resales by my house typically do not have big and tall.

2) Excess skin. I do not want it. How did you avoid this? If you did up having excess skin what did you do?

3) Sex life. How is your post sex drive? How soon after? I understand the fat pad goes away and there is much more exposure if you will. How did your partners respond to this? I am concerned mine will not like it. I know talk to her, but it would be nice to see how others dealt with it.

4) Hair loss. I understand you can have hair loss post surgery. Does this include body hair (please say yes)...

Thanks guys looking forward to going through this journey. Any other information I may not be thinking of is welcomed. I have a full understanding of the surgery, diet, and so forth.

on 11/24/17 9:15 am, edited 11/24/17 1:15 am
Topic: RE: Pre-Thanksgiving Weigh In

Ahh...No fair!! Two times (during this Thanksgiving week) I have been offered cheesecake!! Needless to say I had it both times, but let's get real. Apple or pumpkin pie (without the topping) can work fine...But Costco Cheesecake!! They are not fighting fair...!!!

on 11/24/17 2:05 am
VSG on 11/08/17
Topic: RE: Catheter

Mine was on November 8th in Nashville, TN


Ken 5'10" VSG HW-290 SW-265 CW-265 Surgery 11/08/2017

(deactivated member)
on 11/20/17 3:58 am
VSG on 10/11/16
Topic: RE: Pre-Thanksgiving Weigh In

Thank you. I think. I am still in my honeymoon from what people tell me, but it has gone very well.

(deactivated member)
on 11/20/17 3:52 am
VSG on 10/11/16
Topic: RE: Pre-Thanksgiving Weigh In

If you need exercise, projects, lots to keep you busy, and no snacks except for protein, you can come to my house! I will set you up with enough yard work to keep you busy for a loooong time.

on 11/19/17 10:09 pm
Topic: RE: Pre-Thanksgiving Weigh In

197...Same as last week. Because of my sleeping issues, I try and stop caffeine by 12 noon. I also try and stop large amounts of sugar by 2-3pm. Because of this (no coffee, ice/hot tea, Pepsi) in the afternoons. This allows me to (I believe) keep the weight down. I do it for my sleep, but it helps with the weight loss too. I need to exercise or do some hard physical work during the day (again for sleep)...But that too helps with keeping the weight off.

If you are at family or friends this long weekend...Ask if there are any projects you can take on (hint...Stay away from the grazing). Ask if you can; clean windows, detail a car or truck, pruning projects, gutters...Anything to stay away from those snacks!! Brian

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