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Looks like he is doing great in his journey. Not sure what his first WLS was, but it sounds like his second one was a DS done lap.
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )
199-200 I've gained over the weeks. I've had a cold since last Wednesday. I've done less work, but still grazed during this time. My downfall is tortilla chips!! All that oil, fat, and carbs...But they taste so good. Cold is almost gone...I mowed the front lawn yesterday. That helped. I need to keep moving or drop the junk food...Common sense I know...Just need to do it. Brian
Last week: 186.0
This week: 186.0
I must be living right! Been really trying to watch the eats and get in more exercise when I can.
Congratulations Grandpa!
Grim Reaper working his ass off lately around where I work. One of the HS seniors with preexisting condition, a couple of the turds and Friday morning our utility secretary's youngest son, mid-20's, died in a house fire. Parents are numb. Funeral is tomorrow.
On the bright side nice agency assist this week. Short chase, five in custody, property recovered and one of the five had 12 outstanding warrants. Two felonies and rest misdemeanors. Still doing the reports!
Looks like Christmas shopping is in the bag - literally. Few minor things left but majority done.
As you were.
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
195.7 Last week
196.4 Today
Food: C
Water: C
Vitamins: A
Exercise: C
Congrats on the new addition!
Did real good on eating and exercise for most of the week. But Friday rolled around and went out with the Mrs. Then last nigh****ching TV at home and mindless consumption of salty buttery popcorn (hot air popped of course) :-) I had last weeks weight beat yesterday, but this morning was a different story.
Good week to all!
on 12/10/17 6:09 am
Congratulations on the grandchild! We've got six as well. Four we get to see on a regular basis, but the other two live 1100 miles away, so we don't see them as often.
After writing last week how I was happy where I was, I dropped two more lbs to 274, which was yesterday's weigh in. I am back up a pound to 275 today, but that is normal fluctuation for me. So net loss as of this morning is 1 lb for the week.
High weight 481
Goal weight 300
Current weight 275
Low weight 274
337.6: High weight Dec '13
311.3: Surgery day 1/16/14
191.8: 1st Surgiversary
199.2: 2nd Surgiversary
201.6: 3rd Surgiversary
212.0 Last Weigh in
213.2: CW
Food: C-
Water: B
Vitamins: A-
Exercise: B
Weight is still on a downward spiral, but I thought I did better eating last week. Feels like I'm trying to turn around a cruise ship rather than a speed boat. Travel is slowing down, but Christmas week will be a struggle.
On a positive note, Grandchild #6 came a couple weeks early this week. Mom and baby are doing well. My wife went to see her this weekend, and we'll be at their house for christmas. It helps keep me grounded in why I am working so hard to stay healthy.
Have a great week all!
I like this guy's video better. There are 10 ways to prune a grapevine...Most will work. Also the vines are very forgiving...Easy to play with the next year. Brian PS You may want to go to your local nursery and pick up a fungicide or liquid or powder sulfur and a spreader sticker. I just spray them (when I have time) at 4 inch growth and about 12 inch growth. It helps with mold and mildew on the grapes...
Two or three things in general...Don't know what varieties of grapes you have.
The best time to prune is after a hard frost. Grapevines (unlike most other fruit) have the liquid and nutrients in the vine move backwards to prepare the vine for the next years growth (after that hard frost). So the vine could be pruned after the first major frost. But also doing it in March means you've had most of the cold weather behind you. If a hard frost/freeze occurs in late Feb/March you can prune back the dead canes from that freeze. Also in Ohio it would be nicer to prune in a warmer day than in December. Below is just a video I pulled off of Youtube on pruning. There are a lot to choose from. In California pruning is different that in other parts of the country. In the video she says two buds. Well here it could be 3,5,7 or more buds...Depending on the variety. Check with your local nursery on how many buds to prune. One last things...Leave a small cane in the middle in the front of the plant (1 to 3 feet high). This cane helps with oxygen. I don't know how that helps...But it does. Brian
Sorry of topic, but is now the time to prune grape vines? I'm in Ohio and I was told to do it in March.
I've alway**** or missed (mostly missed) having a good grape season.
Late again...Sorry. Sunday I was 199.5...During the week I was 201!! Extra eating and no burning off the calories. Today (Tuesday) 197.5 Much better. I'm not exercising, but I'm doing a lot of physical work (pruning grapevines, fruit tree, bushes)...That helps.
I wasn't sleeping well this past week. So I graze in the middle of the night...Which packs on the pounds. If I cut down on the sugar at night and work real hard (physical) during the day, I usually sleep well at night. This also keeps the weight down. So for me; exercise, physical work, less sugar, helps with the sleep and the weight. Common sense I know, but need to keep doing it. Brian