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on 8/5/24 8:15 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last Week 212.4
This Week 212.5

Just got back yesterday afternoon from moving my youngest daughter into her own apartment at college. Everywhere you go in the collegetown smells like skunk.

Don, again congrats on the new job. Yes the people you work for and with make or break the job. My old supervisor when I was a civil servant was the best. And fortunately he is still in the picture, as the boss of the (very few left) civil servants in my division. My contractor boss I've known from the day he was hired 35 years ago. I showed him around the facility. Maybe that's why he hired me :-)

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 8/5/24 4:09 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

First Line Supervisor 101: People don't leave jobs or companies. They leave supervisors.

on 8/4/24 9:16 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

This week +2lbs

@Don the boss and fellow employees make or break every job. The actual work is nowhere near as important as the people so you're in good shape in this new role.

Last week was a head-scratcher and hopefully will be more productive this week. I'm close to saying f everything and only do what I enjoy.

Don 1962
on 8/4/24 6:28 am
Topic: Sunday Weigh In

Shoot Computer - Imgflip

Last week: 209.0

This week: 208.0

2.6 pounds loss in two weeks! Field Training phase is M-F 8-6 so working out in any form is on hold. Yard work is the best and only exercise I'm getting. Was reminded this week that I never had 4.4 forty-yard dash speed. Active school shooting training drill at HS. AC was off so little stuffy. Proud I did not fall out but we did have one that did. WLS candidate.

Meme was picked for a reason! Report Management System at work, it's County wide, is eating my lunch! One at former employer one entry on one screen done. This one takes up to three to get out at a store for a walk thru. I'll get it sooner or later. I wish I had this Chief 20+ years ago! He will go down as the best Chief I EVER worked for! He's my 14th full-time Chief. Not going to count the interims.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 7/28/24 10:55 pm
Topic: RE: Training camp starting Sunday weigh in

+2lbs this week, exercise is really good but eating my ass off. Looking forward to the Jets winning the Superbowl as I do every Sring Training. If Roger's goes down early in the season again, he'll be tarred and feathered before the pitch forks get him. Otherwise he'll be a hero.

Have a great week!

Don 1962
on 7/28/24 5:10 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

My new Chief is a smart dude! Vast improvement over the last one for sure. Have some pretty cool gadgets and gizmos to use. Problem is vehicles. Chief uses his own personal vehicle. One is in the shop getting majority of a new motor and don't know when it will be back. There is "the beast" that frankly needs to be sent to a demolisher leaving one black and white Tahoe we are sharing. The ISD police department has more bodies than we do!

Don 1962
on 7/28/24 4:57 pm
Don 1962
on 7/28/24 4:56 pm
Topic: RE: Training camp starting Sunday weigh in

Glad y'all had a good time and eating buffets did not do any damage.

on 7/28/24 8:38 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Congrats on the new job!

on 7/28/24 7:23 am
VSG on 11/28/16
Topic: RE: Training camp starting Sunday weigh in

Last Week 213.8
This Week 212.4

Just got home late last night from a weeklong carribean cruise. Happy as a lark with no weight gain after being surrounded by food 24/7.

Started out last Friday with flight delayed and delayed again because of the worl wide computer crash. But we booked a hotel for one night earlier than the cruise just in case there were problems. We ened up checking in at midnight, but that was ok because a few hours prioe we got an notice from the cruise line that they had to delay the cruise (shorten the trip) by one day due to engine problems. The new intenerary cut out two shore excursion on us also. Sunday we are aboard. Big party on the main deck for a 5pm Bon Voyage. Music blasting, food, drink everywhere. I believe there was lots of skimpy well fitting bathng suiits, but I couldn't really see through my dark sunglasses. Then at 5:00, music, food, dancing.....5:10, music, food, dancing....5:30, music, food, dancing.... Around 6:15 (18:15 for Don ) wife and I decided to go back to our room and wait on our balcony. After an hour of that we wandered arounf the ship, got something to eat and then went back to the room and watched TV. We set sail at 9:30 due to "technical difficulties". But all in all it was very relaxing. Saw some great sights and a few excursions.

I was very nervous about the food and eating. We only ate at the buffet because they had so much variety and you could get as little or as much as you wanted. I sampled just a little of things that interested me, but was never hungry. This was my first major vacation since my VSG in 2016. I'm looking forward to the next!

Good week to all!

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