Recent Posts
Last week: 189.6
This week: 189.6
Sorry for the last start but Chief type person called me wanting me to come help him on a house fire. People and their little dog got out okay and went to neighbor's to call 9-1-1. No insurance and limited resources due to fixed incomes so house likely will have to come down at city's expense.
Exercise good this week. Two times walking and keeping it under the norm both times. Yard work yesterday sans sun screen. Shins especially are a little roasted.
TX opening back up slowly but surely. Seafood Friday night and Waffle House this morning after I got back home. Never appreciated half of one of their ham and cheese omelets as much as I did this morning!
Go forth, stay safe and have a Great Week!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Last week 336.6
This week 335.7
Working on my pre surgery weight loss and the habits needed for after surgery.
Last Week 224.3
This Week 223.0
Still to cold and rainy out here for me to want to get some yard work done. A pound down, I'll take it. Kind of in a funk from quarentine and news overload.
Good week to all!
on 4/26/20 2:17 pm
Around 165, about flat for the week, up a few pounds from this week last year.
Exercise good considering the weather, food selection awful but forgive myself considering quarantine.
Economy and job situation a huge ? But same is true for most people so I'm good with it for the time being.
Last week: 188.6
This week: 190.0
Good week exercise wise. Three times on the treadmill and yesterday was yardwork day. Nice to do it on a Saturday for a change. Because of weather or scheduling issues been having to do it mid-week after work. Racing sun down and not enough time to try and pretty it up much.
Keep staying safe and Have a Great Week!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Last week 185.4
This week 184.4
Back in the Saddle again. Actually have been pretty busy at work. We're covering more territory now and since we're only working 4 days a week the trucks have been pretty full. Sorry I don't have a funny picture or meme.