Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 3/2/25 8:29 am, edited 3/2/25 8:33 am

lent Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Last week: 212.0

This week: 212.0

Probably need to give up the snack cheese and maybe cholesterol will go back down. Got insurance situation squared away and I CAN use my old PCP. No change necessary. Not the best but changing not worth the BS. Edited to Add: got Ferritin level back and was not bottomed out. Cholesterol, LDL and overall, beyond tolerances. See what he has to say Wednesday.

Got new bedding here Friday. Two nights of great sleep! Not sleeping in a hole anymore and number of trips to the bathroom was lower too. Even the dog has not snored as much as he normally does!

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 3/2/25 5:14 pm
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 214.6
This Week 212.6

I have a fasting blood draw tomorrow morning. Get them every three months, and the night before, like right now, really sucks! Wife is currently eating some mac and cheese and I am sipping water.

Good week to all!

on 3/2/25 8:09 pm

Why every 3 months if you don't mind my asking. I had a DS which is more draconian than VSG but I only do annual blood draw.

on 3/2/25 8:14 pm

I have similar energy to your pup. Maybe getting old is catching up faster than I thought. Hopefully the frigid weather will be over soon. I know I'm beyond ready to see it go.

My weight is mostly the same, around the low to mid-160s. It's somewhat of a miracle, considering how much I eat, but I still pay for it with gas and bloating when I overeat.

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