Pre-Thanksgiving Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 11/24/24 8:16 am


Last week: 198.6

This week: 199.8

Lots of really good football this week! Auburn needed four OT's to beat Texas A&M, Notre Dam beat Army, the neighbors to the North, Oklahoma handed Alabama their ass, Florida handed Ol' **** their ass so they will be wanting to take that out on State Friday at the Egg Bowl. With first year head coach, second string QB and overall crappy year State has had - glad we did not get tickets this year. Next year - ordering them after first of the year! Missed going. No job in the way either.

Don't overdo the Festivities, or the food, this week!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 11/24/24 9:21 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 213.7
This Week 210.1

Had our first snow Thursday evening as the Browns won against the steelers. It was a great feeling since they were so ****y.

Friday got together with my brother and sisters foe "siblings" day. Went across town to ou favorite Slovenian butcher shop and bought keilbasa, Then off to the West Side Market. It is a well known landmark in Cleveland, hit a few more places then a late lunch. We try and do this several times a year. Got started near the end of the pandemic while visiting our parents at their nursing home. After they passed we decided to carry it on in their memeory. Perfect timing as I just canned 41 lbs of home made sauerkraut. I wil keep for about a year fresh in the refrigerator. I have a small frij in the basement just for kraut (that it all didn't fit in this time) Trying to keep alive some old traditions and foods from our parents/grandparents.

Happy Thanksgiving and a good week to all!

Don 1962
on 11/25/24 9:03 am

That's a lot of 'kraut!

Congrats to your Browns beating Pittsburg. Steelers not one of my favorite franchises. Goes back to 70's when they beat the Oilers out of the playoffs then hammered Dallas in Super Bowls.

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