Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 7/21/24 7:04 am

30 Of The Funniest Weight Loss And Diet Memes

Last week: 210.8

This week: 210.6

It's not the collar! New job called for trip to "cop shop" in Dallas yesterday chasing new duty belts. One holds your pants up and the other holds your gun etc to that one. Other one was 13 years old and it showed. Frankly I had every 1/4" of slack I had left from either end out and it was still too tight. Hate having to go to larger size but can't cut myself in half all day.

New job = exercise schedule out of whack. Run to grocery store then yard work when I get home.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 7/28/24 8:38 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Congrats on the new job!

Don 1962
on 7/28/24 5:10 pm

My new Chief is a smart dude! Vast improvement over the last one for sure. Have some pretty cool gadgets and gizmos to use. Problem is vehicles. Chief uses his own personal vehicle. One is in the shop getting majority of a new motor and don't know when it will be back. There is "the beast" that frankly needs to be sent to a demolisher leaving one black and white Tahoe we are sharing. The ISD police department has more bodies than we do!

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