Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 4/23/23 6:47 am

Fat Boy on a Diet: January Update: New Year, New Me? - Too Many Posts

Last week: 194.2

This week: 196.0

Saw that coming now that we've been home a week.

Yardwork yesterday. Glad I did. One, it needed it after not being done in two weeks. Two, Mother Nature is off her meds again there. 70's yesterday doing the yard and wake up to lower 50's today and little rainy.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 4/23/23 10:55 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 234.7
This Week 233.5

40's and rainy here. No yardwork, even though it needs it. Robins keep trying to build a nest in the gazebo we put up last summer. Bird crap and debris all over the new patio table. I keep nocking it down, but they start all over again. Friday I put up some ugly bird spikes. The have not returned so far. I am going to try and make them removable so it does not look so bad after nesting season. Previously tried a plastic owl to deter the Grackles from crapping in our pool, but that didn't work well. Don't get me started on the deer eating everything in sight :-)

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 4/23/23 3:10 pm

Where I work is on the flight path for the turkey buzzards back and forth to Mexico. We have one old school water tower that is no longer used but since it is middle of town it is a great place for several microwave antennas and satellite dishes. It is also where the migrating birds frequently stop. They make a Hell of a lot of racket and lots o' buzzard poop. Since they are Federally protected you can't shoot them. The USDA has developed this little gizmo that sounds like a whistling firework with a small retort. Sunrise and sunset is usually when we have to go discharge these things trying to get them to move. You can ask my Chief how he learned this but step one is before you discharge the gizmo - make sure it is outside of your Tahoe!

on 4/23/23 1:54 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 195

This week 196.2

I think the worker's comp saga is finally almost at an end. I should have the last of the pay for the time I was out hurt on Friday. Only took two months and way, way too many phone calls. :rolleyes::cry: Also went to the worker's comp doc and was given a clean bill of health.

Got the estimate from the dentist and hit the ceiling. They want over $7000 (after insurance it's *only* $4600) with the warning that they could find more things wrong after the cleaning. Firstborn is out of the country so that's on hold.

Don 1962
on 4/23/23 3:19 pm

My dentist called me Friday. I had not been happy with the permanent bridge he had put in and want to know about "warranty" work to fix. He had to check with the lab blah blah blah. $400 to pop it out, new mold of shrunken gums, use spare parts to make a new one and put it back in. Other option is $7,000 for implants for that part of my mouth. Scheduling the cheaper option tomorrow.

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