Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 12/4/22 9:15 am

The best weight loss memes :) Memedroid

Last week: 195.4

This week: 193.2

Thank goodness medical weight loss assistance has come a long, LONG way! Much better number.

College football done for another year but for the bowl games. Georgia, Michigan won easily. K-State over TCU in OT and Clemson rolled over NC. Nick Saban will have his knickers in a knot at Alabama not being in the title hunt. Nothing new.

Work was worse than anticipated last week. Audit itself was not a problem. Rest of the week was! Off for Doctor and dentist tomorrow.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 12/4/22 1:59 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 198

This week 195.2

Have another guy out for part of this week so have a little bit of extra work. Next week it's my turn. Glad to have a week off again (need to use the hours before the end of the year to avoid losing them).

on 12/5/22 9:22 pm

As a former Fatty, I approve the message pictured above.

No weight change. Surprised to see TCU lose and keep their ranking but probably deserved. Should be a good playoff competition. Glad Saban is out for once.

Don 1962
on 12/6/22 3:29 am

Doubt TCU will give Michigan the game that Alabama or USC could have but two division losses they can jus****ch it from the house. Figure it will be GA and Michigan in final with GA repeating provided they beat Ohio to begin with. That should be a good game.

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