Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 10/2/22 8:37 am

Unrelated note: Buy Batteries | /r/wholesomememes | Wholesome Memes | Know  Your Meme

Last week: 194.6

This week: 191.0

Not digging in the utility clerk's drawers is working. She maintains the office chocolate stash and currently it's empty.

Ian left Florida in a mess. Prayers as they get on road to recovery.

Good day in College Football yesterday! Missouri and Arkansas gave Georgia and Alabama, respectively, a run for their money. TCU hammered Oklahoma and while wife and I are running errands think we will put the cowbell in the hitch receiver since Mississippi State beat Texas A&M from beginning to end yesterday. Would have been there but three football trips back-to-back not doable while working. Be there next week for Arkansas though.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 10/2/22 8:58 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 236.8
This Week 240.3


Cold and grey here for over a week. Upper 50's and a few low 60's. I enjoy the cooler weather, but just not the drop we had. Two Wednesdays ago it was in the mid to upper 80's, the Thursday after we woke up in the 50's, and it has been cold ever since. I'm trying to get things put away for Winter, as it will be here before too long. Monday we had a new front window, a new kitchen bay window and a patio door put in. That's another ouch paying for them, but wife likes them a lot.

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 10/3/22 3:32 am

Happy spouse. Happy house!

on 10/2/22 1:43 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 197.6

This week 194.4

Went ahead and put up the shorts and short sleeve shirts and got out the winter clothes. Supposed to be chilly Friday and next weekend. I'll probably give it another few weeks before I pull the air conditioner out of the window (not unheard of around here for it to have a few short Summer relapses late in the fall).

on 10/3/22 10:20 pm

+8lbs this week - Yikes!

I stress ate my butt off and it shows on the scale. Hopefully it's a short term thing. I'll have to hide the candy from myself.

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