Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 7/10/22 6:39 am

Dr.Now#howyalldoin | Dr. now, 600 pound life, Dr nowzaradan

Last week: 192.4

This week: 192.4

Made "executive decision" yesterday that the only yard work this weekend is trimming the one tree that blocks our view coming out of the driveway. Again no rain = no grass. Not enough inside fence worth the gas to mow it this week and it even gets watered!

Have a Great Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 7/10/22 1:29 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 198
This week 198.4

Had a 16+ hour day on Friday(and long Thursday as well) so didn't do much this weekend. Wife's making pretty good progress with her garden. Hopefully next weekend I can get the grass. It isn't too bad yet, but imagine with the rain we recently had it'll probably grow some this week.

on 7/10/22 8:34 pm

159ish last week, 161ish this week - No concerns, just a dump waiting to happen.

"You're gonna need a bigger mower" was the last thing I heard before caving in to having a landscaper cut my lawn. I actually enjoy it but I'd need to invest a few grand in a suitable mower and so it's easier to have someone do it for now. I have my hands full walking multiple dogs.

Don 1962
on 7/11/22 3:32 am

I was worried about how much gasoline was going to take out of my pocket for yard mowing. Not mowing every week because no rain = no grass zero turn staying parked. Did break down yesterday afternoon and did push mowing part after starting thread. Had somebody that lost 25-30 torn open and empty Sakrete sacks across the highway from my driveway last week. Picked up all that too.

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