Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 5/22/22 7:54 am

Funny thoughts and jokes.... - Funny thoughts and jokes.

Last week: 192.0

This week: 193.0

So true! I even did all of the yardwork yesterday. Despite pain in knees this morning I'm glad I did. Half inch of rain during the night and 56 degrees this morning. Get back from running errands house is getting vented. Had some 90+ degree days last week so Summer is not too far off and venting the house is off the table till late Fall.

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 5/22/22 8:59 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 238.3
This Week 237.4

Low 80's here yesterday. Sweated my butt off, but managed to get yardwork done in time, as it began a torrential rainfall in the early evening. Currently at 56 and drizzling. Yuck

Good week to all!

on 5/22/22 1:45 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 197.8
This week 199

Workers at my location gave the boss an ultimatum and so far it seems to have worked we're down from 13-14 hours a day to 11-12, we'll see how long it lasts. We've only had 3 'short' days so far but definitely don't feel as ragged. Having more 'tiny tummy' days lately, may have to go back on Famotidine or some such.

Managed to knock down the grass in most of the yard Friday in a gap between rainstorms. We're going from Summerlike weather to more mid-Spring conditions here which I won't turn down.

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