Super Bowl Sunday Weigh In

Don 1962
on 2/13/22 6:36 am

Watch All the Super Bowl 2022 Commercials (So Far) | Complex

Last week: 189.0

This week: 191.0

Rut-roh! Emotional/stress eating/grazing. Need to quit digging in the utility clerk's drawers to get to the mini-Paydays. Another thought, being on rower three times a week - legs, shoulders and back are three of the largest muscle groups in the body. Could they be massing up sending the weight higher?

Prediction for game still the same. Winning team has an SEC quarterback.

Keep mama happy tomorrow and leave her candy alone!

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 2/13/22 7:48 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 235.2
This Week 237.9

Not sure why the uptick. I've been scrutinizing what I have been eating. But, I have noticed that I have been hungry a lot while at work, and snacking. I usually don't bring snacks to work, but the guys in the room next door always have them out all day. Maybe i have visted them a little too often :-)

Good week to all, and go Cincinnati! Got to say that, I'm from Ohio :-)

on 2/13/22 6:31 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 199

This week 199

Son has a surgery scheduled for early in the morning tomorrow so I'm taking a couple days off in case I'm needed. It's a scheduled procedure and shouldn't be a big deal but I figured it was better to be available if needed. If not, I could use a couple days off. Hope all are doing well and if you're watching the game I hope you are enjoying it.

on 2/13/22 7:07 pm

Weights up due to winter lack of exercise and more bored eating.

I bet Cincinnati and lost. They really looked disappointing the entire 4th qtr. Didn't seem like they came to win a Super bowl. At least I sourced some decent wings for the game.

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