Sunday Weigh In
Last week: 187.4
This week: 187.0
Can't say I never did not recognize my reflection but took a little getting used to seeing less of me to reflect!
Brother had to have a pacemaker put in last week. Feels like chopped up refried dog **** and will for a few weeks.
Exercise wonky. Stopped short one day because of ass/foot going to sleep on me but second time made the distance. I did yard in it's entirety yesterday after doing minimal amount last week. I do not recall ever going this late into the year without having to water.
Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!!
Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!!
Last check in 198
This week 197
We're super short staffed at work so I'm doing close to 65 hours a week. Scheduled to take on more duties in a week which will probably bump it up close to 70. One of the drivers at my location has a family member who just tested positive so he's out tomorrow pending results from a test (I got tested yesterday just in case). Been keeping my distance from family members since he called Saturday.
I'm not eating great right now but the name of the game at this time is survival. Hope all are doing well.