Sunday Weigh In

on 2/21/21 7:00 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 230.5
This Week 231.0

Wi**** was that easy!

I was going to complain about the snow and cold here. Near a foot of snow and some single digit nights. But then I thought of Don. Hope you are doing well. My nephew was without power and heat for several days in San Antonio. They had to live in a hotel. Work is sucking. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I have a hard time trying to listen to people who only think about schedule and not about getting work done correctly. Your poor planning does not constitute and emergency on my part.

Good week to all!

Don 1962
on 2/21/21 8:15 am

Image result for frozen texas meme

Last week: 189.2

This week: 186.8

We survived!! Never lost power and still had city water till Friday afternoon and even then service was restored by yesterday afternoon. Can use the buckets of "just in case" water from brother to help clean the garage floor. My "company" truck after being out all day made a hell of a mess in the garage when it would melt and slough off the ice and mud. Had to leave it out Monday night because of not being able to get it in the garage due to the snow/ice on driveway. Trying to maneuver around to get it in the garage managed to get stuck to the point of having to call the overworked local wrecker. Took hour and a half to get cranked Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon we got snow and ice out of the way so could go back inside. Cranked without issue rest of the week after being inside with a drop light under the hood. My mother lost some pipes in her house. Hell of a mess! Most of her downstairs is tile floor but there is some carpet and wood that will have to be replaced.

Hopefully the powers that be learn something from this experience. Texas is geared for weeks of 107 degrees not a week of 7 degrees! It may dip that low for a day or two but bounce back quickly. That is why things aren't winterized to the extent they are further north.

Time to make a major restocking run. Week of eating at home depleted the pantry and freezer!

Have a Great Week, Gentlemen!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 2/21/21 1:03 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last Week 190.4

This Week 194.6

Rough week last week. Got called in on the Second day of my 3 days off because of the storm. Had been going pretty hard trying to get the kids' rooms done already so wound up going 12-13 hours a day all week. Soo.. much....shoveling...

Did nothing this weekend.

on 2/21/21 1:50 pm

I've been getting hammered by snow every other day in NYC area but we are generally geared up for it, and everyone just stays home for a day. Having spent a lot of time in Texas earlier in my career, it's hard to imagine what is going on there now. I'm used to the 107 degree days.

My nutrition is getting worse as Covid continues. Today I've attained most of my protein from Trader Joe chocolate croissants which taste fantastic on the way in, and cause some regret on the way out.

Weight is normal (+5lbs in the winter) for this time of year and looking forward to more outdoor activity in another month or so.

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