Labor Day Weigh In

Don 1962
on 9/6/20 8:16 am

Last week: 188.4

This week: 188.6

Wife did not jamb her toe last weekend. She broke it! Needless to say being good hubby and putting dressing on it every morning. Cotton ball between it and third toe wrapped with short piece of self sticking wrap like lab may use on your arm after you do labs to keep you from bleeding out.

Work was a nightmare last week. Our least capable officer caught an Online Solicitation of a Minor case. Then he went on vacation. CID/CSI mode activate. Victim(s) are local. Actor is registered sex offender who is in Portland, OR. Reached out to AG's office for help. Hope to hear back after Tuesday.

Playing hooky and skipping yard last week combined with a multi inch rain this week made yard work yesterday like cutting a rain forest! Managed to get it done though. Discovered issue with mower deck lifting mechanism that will require a trip to the Kubota dealer for part or haul it over to let them fix it. Had thought yesterday to replace the current mower deck with a mulching deck.

If you're off tomorrow enjoy. I'm not but it is what it is.

Have a Great Week!!

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 9/6/20 10:39 am
VSG on 11/28/16

Last Week 225.3
This Week 224.5

Probably last week for the pool before I Winterize it. Once nights start getting in low 60's and nothing above mid 70's in the day, it is time to button it up. This year the pin oak that is about 10 feet from it,is spewing acorns like crazy into it. Maybe it is getting me back for having it trimmed last month.

Good week to al!

on 9/6/20 1:32 pm
DS on 12/18/18

Last week 186.2
This week 184.0

Survived the first week back. Son tested positive Monday so He and the Wife are quarantined until the 14th. Youngest Daughter and I are still working (since we've already had it).

Probably will have to cut the grass one more time before winter. As dry as it's been here it isn't doing much with the three weeks of freedom I've given it.

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